One Year Down, A Lifetime To Go!!!

on 9/17/04 3:59 am - Elizabeth, NJ
Hi Everyone: This is a special post for me. One year ago on a Friday like today (the actual date is the 19th but who's counting) I had my surgery and was just waking up in the Recovery Room. The past 52 weeks has been nothing short of amazing as my weight loss journey has led me to a happier, healthier life. Although I feel that I'm just approaching the first station in the marathon that is my weight loss journey (remember it is not a sprint, it is indeed a marathon) I am overjoyed at my progress. I began my journey at 373 pounds and I'm now maintianing at 190. I began with a 54 waist and I'm now a 34. I was taking medicines for high blood pressure and back pain, I snored so loud that my wife cound not sleep in the same room and I had no stanma what so ever. Now I'm on no perscription medications and my wife enjoys snuggling in bed because there's no snoring. There is a lot to be thankful for and I could write forever. I do want to thank my wife for being there for me as I was learning how to eat and exercise again, my wonderful surgeon, Dr. Jordan Garrison for his talented hands and for his guidance, and of course all of you for your encouragement and support. Without you to draw strength from my success thus far would not have been possible. I look forward to the continuation of my journey with enthusasium and purpose. One year down and a lifetime to go. Till next time Jesse 373/190/-183
on 9/17/04 7:18 am - Toms River, NJ
Amen brother! Very profound, Jesse! It is amazing isn't it -- we start this journey with the goal of losing weight and hopefully, regaining our health -- and yet we get so much more from it other than that -- quality of life, new friends and relationships, and the desire to keep on going -- a new life it is indeed! Congratulations on your success thus far, and keep on truckin..... By the way, are you considering going to DC for the OH weekend in November? Lap RNY 6/16/03 -- 336/166/150
on 9/17/04 10:20 am - Elizabeth, NJ
Hi Nanette: Yes, I'm planning on being in DC in November. Just trying to get my schedule arranged. Jesse
Susan Hegarty
on 9/17/04 11:37 am - Easton, PA
Hi, I always read your posts and find them so inspiational and amazing. I hope, like you, to be given the blessings you have been given to live a happier, healthier life. Congrats on your sucess and God Bless Susan
on 9/17/04 1:23 pm - Williamstown, nj
Congratulations on your success. Keep up the good work. I hope that I have done as well as you when I am one year out.
on 9/20/04 7:34 am - w. orange, nj
Yeah Jessie- I cannot believe its been a year! You've done so well! LIke you said- one down a lifetime to go! well said! Donna
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