I Love My Body Fat %
Hi Everyone:
I know it's not Friday but I just wanted to share something with you. As you may remember from my post on Friday I wanted to find out my Body Fat %. Today I bought a Body Fat scale and just used it for the first time. I actually used it twice just to make sure I programmed it correctly.
According to Body Fat Ranges established by the NIH/WHO guidelines, a man my age (that would be 47) should have a body fat % between 12-22% to be considered in the healthy range.
Well after weighing myself using my Body Fat Scale my body fat percentage is 16%. I guess that makes me healthy (LOL).
My BMI may say that I'm still overweight at 26.9 but my body fat reading says I'm healthy. I'm not going to create a debate over which indicator is better but for the benefit of my phyche, I will go with the body fat percentage.
Now I have another goal to go for. Getting my body fat percentage as close to 12% as possible.
Till next time,