Sleep Apnea Test

Inger Z.
on 8/22/04 8:19 am - Washington, NJ
My date is Sept 14th and my surgeon didn't require me to do a sleep study is this normal? My surgeon is Dr Abkins. I'm starting to get worried that when it comes close to my date that i'm going to get surprised with this. Anybody else Not have to take one? Thanks~Inger Zabriskie
Irene S.
on 8/22/04 9:47 am - NJ
Not everyone needs to take one. Sometimes they can tell when you're getting your medical clearances that you have a very thickened throat and palate that might indicate apnea. That's only one indicator. My endocrinologist didn't refer me for one. I had a long wait for surgery and I noticed that I kept waking up with headaches and an extremely dry mouth. I got scared and asked my pcp for a referral for a sleep study. It turned out that I don't have a dangerous apnea. I have a c-pap that I used mainly so I didn't wake up with headaches and a super dry mouth. If you have a history of heavy snoring or you've been told you stop breathing in your sleep, then by all means you should have one done. irene
Kathy S.
on 8/23/04 4:57 am - Rio Grande, NJ
Irene How are you feeling? I was wondering if everything is ok and you feeling good. Do you still need the c-pap. I haven't used it since I came home and I sleep at least 7 hours straight. This is great for me. Take care Kathy
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