Thank you

on 8/12/04 7:19 am - Jersey City, NJ
Thank you guys so much, Sherri, about those groups, i go to seton hall and am near livingston so maybe i can go to that one, i can't get to the one in new brunswick cuz i don't have a car. Christine, hun, good luck on your surgery, i will pray for you. I hope that everything goes smoothly. Naes, you are so right, but my fear stems more from the not knowing about the outcomes... i wish i had a crystal ball that would tell me everything will be alright. More updates later.. Thank you all Diana
on 8/12/04 9:53 pm - New Brunswick, NJ
Diana, The next support group of Dr. Andrei's is in Livingston at at the St. Barnabas Ambulatory Care Center on Sept. 7 at 7pm. The group meets in conference rooms A&B there is no fee to attend this group meeting.
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