OT-anyone in real estate? Have a test '?'

on 8/7/04 12:51 pm - New Jersey, NJ
Good evening everyone. Does anyone have experience with getting a salespersons license in NJ? I have a question. I just passed and completed the 75 class. Now, I want to take my state exam...but something in the instructions didn't make sense to me. It says that, once I pass the class, to APPLY for the license, I have to send in a bunch of stuff...including the test score thingy SIGNED BY MY EMPLOYING BROKER...well, what if I am just doing this to GET a license but don't HAVE an employing broker yet?? Am I making sense? Sandi
Christine In AZ
on 8/7/04 1:10 pm - Way Down South in AZ
Don't know for sure about NJ, but here in AZ once you pass the state test (after you take the required classes) you send in your application and fee to be licensed. If you are going to be working (under a broker, of course) you pay an additional fee to activate your license. Otherwise you are still licensed, but have an inactive license.....which means you are not legal to sell real estate until you activate your license. And the only way you can activate your license is to be under a designated broker. There are brokers here that will let you hang your license with them for a fee every month, and you really don't "work" for them. Hope this helps a little...
on 8/7/04 1:28 pm - New Jersey, NJ
Christine...it helps a little....but you can't even send in your application alone...everything has to be sent together, INCLUDING the broker-signed thing. That just doesn't make sense to me. I guess I'll have to ask when I call to make the appointment for the test. Just didn't want to sound like an idiot. LOL sandi
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