Reccurence of Cancer!

Linda B.
on 7/24/04 1:37 am - Garfield, NJ
After having my WLS surgery that I have been waiting 2 years to have, The day finally came on April 26. I'm doing really well having lost 59lbs since then. Then I got some bad news that I always dreaded might happen, I had a reccurence of the Breast Cancer that I was originally diagnosed with in July '97. I was supposed to have my surgery on feb 26 but it it was postponed when they found my tumor markers were elevated. Thats when they found some spots on my bone. I was devastated to say the least. But my Oncologist told me I could go ahead with the surgery so I was elated . The date was made for April 12 but then my son gets strep and I catch something too 5 days before surgery. And guess what? Cancelled again! Well, lo and behold they were able to give me April 26. That , Thank God, went off without a hitch . Dr. Kurian is a wonderful Dr. and I was blessed to have found her. She is truly an . My Oncologist sent me for a CT scan to see if anything progressed. I was scared to say the least. I mean, I have waited so long for this surgery and to finally be able to do something about my lifetime weight issue and then to have this happen. Well, it turned out they found more spots so they had to change the course of treatment. I am now on Oral Chemo (Xeloda) and these once a month injections of something called Zometa to strengthen the bones. That knocked me for a loop felt like I had the flu! I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who can relate and would like to share because I have been really bummed out about this. Trying to keep positive has been hard but just looking at my 9 yr old son and my wonderful husband who have always been there for me no matter what it is keeps me going. They are my life. I am getting the best possible treatment and care anywhere at SLoan- Kettering and I have wonderful Dr's. Could you please send me some prayers because I need all I can get and I know there is alot of positive energy out there. Thank you so much and Love to all of you
Irene S.
on 7/24/04 3:42 am - NJ
Hi Linda, I'm sorry that you're going through this. Your family really is your strength, so hang tight to them. I have a very close friend who has breast cancer, and it's in her bones too. I will pray for you and your family. Irene
Linda B.
on 7/24/04 5:43 am - Garfield, NJ
Thanks so much for your kind words of support and prayers! Linda
on 7/25/04 1:34 am - NJ
Linda, I am sooo sorry that after finally having your surgery and being able to look forward to a healthier life, you get a recurrance of your cancer. I can't imagine having to face that issue. Give yourself time to accept what is happening, and then get angry enough to beat that DA@N cancer! The good Lord has brought you this far, he's not going to drop you off now. Hang in there, and if I can be of ANY help, please email me. Hugs and Nancy
maryann F.
on 7/25/04 5:40 am - north arlington, NJ
Oh Linda I'm so sorry, you hang in there, you keep positive, I'll tell you a story, I am the youngest of 4 children. My sister Barbara is a quadropalegic she is the oldest, she dove in a swimming pool when she was 13 years old, in 1971, I was 6 years old. She dealt with it amazing she graduated from high school, then college, then NYU she got here masters all while being a quad. Well along her journey i***** she developed breast cancer. I was like, God why, isn't it enough she is paralyzed, Why this too? We'll she had her sugery, and kemo and she is fine. She pulled thru, she has no bowel function, no bladder function due to being a quad, on pills to help her body function. All I'm trying to say is that your body is stronger then you think and you are an able bodied person. So you hang in there and never give up.
on 7/25/04 9:23 am - Garfield, NJ
Hey Linda. I just want you to know that you have so much support, not only from your family, but also from Jimmy and I. We have so many things to do when we are both thin. We also have our reunion that we are walking in and going to show off. So you keep doing what your doing and I don't care day or night no matter what time you call me I will always be there for you. You have helped me through this operation and have always been there when I needed you and with all you are going through. I pray for you every day and wish you nothing but happiness. God bless you and have faith. Love you always, Andrea & Jimmy
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