Hello all I just wanted t...
Hello all I just wanted to let all the members know that all the info that was at this site was very helpful,I have decided to take a step forward...
IM in my late 40's live in Woodbridge Township married for 11&1/2 yrs to my 2nd husband I always been overweight & my health appeared good up until about 2 months ago, IM now experiencing leg & ankle pain it hurts like hell to walk up the stairs.IM 317lbs the largest I've ever been (no hi bp or diabetes)I located a Dr. in my area that take my type of insurance & after reading all the success stoies I decide to make an appointment but because I called after hours I have to call tomorrow 7/20/04 so I can attend a seminar. His name is Dr.Feteika no more yo yo diets I hope that this will be the right choice for me,so until tomorrow I'll get back with you.