Help Anyone an emotional reck before surgery

on 7/9/04 3:39 pm - Garfield, NJ
I am having my surgery on the 21st and I am an emotional reck. I am laughing one moment and then the next moment I am crying. I hate the way I am I am not thinking twice about the surgery I just keep thinking of being put under. I would love for any support
Kathy S.
on 7/9/04 9:57 pm - Rio Grande, NJ
Andrea What you are going through is normal. I never had surgery and my fear was being put under. I survived with no problem and before I knew it I was fast asleep. I cannot stress two words positive altitude. This is what gets you through this moment in your life. I still describe it as an out of body experience. Take deep breathes and remember this operation for most of us is life saving. Remember we need to have it done. Everything will be fine and before you know it the 21st will be here. Take care Kathy
on 7/10/04 5:15 am - NJ
Andrea, I am scheduled for my surgery two days before you. Although I am very sure of my decision to have the surgery, I am starting to get nervous. I am ok in my head, but it seems like the stress is starting to show itself in aches and pains, shortness of breath, crying jags and being quick to anger. I had my pre-admission testing today, and the anesthesiologist said he would order valium for me when I got to the hospital to keep me from being too nervous. Feel free to email me anytime so we can 'hold cyber hands'. Where are you having your surgery? I'm having mine in Holy Name in Teaneck. PS: Join us over on the July 2004 message board too!!! Hugs, Nancy
on 7/15/04 3:57 pm - Garfield, NJ
Hi Nancy, Just want to say my prayers are with you and i will be thinking of you . When I get home I will be looking forward to having a cyber friend to help me through the good and bad times and hope if you need me I can be there for you I went for my pre op tests today and I am starting to look forward to being a thinner person God Bless You on Monday talk to you soon Andrea
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