yayyyyy guess what


on 7/3/04 2:44 pm - TRENTON, NJ
hey ladies guess what ,,, well today i finally took down a whole 64oz in i promise for now on to try in do this everyday, i can believe i drunk 64oz in one hour i never did that before, i think only thing that made me do it was because as i sat on the chouch tonight in thought about how fat i still am i started feelin bad enought to go drink some water in i just kept drinkin til i filled my 8oz cup up 8 times.....then i thought to myself how my surgoen is sayin he won't do the operation unless i lose 50 lbs,,well he said that in apirl in i go back to see him in 4 weeks, so even if i don't lose the full 50 lbs i wanna lose most of it........
on 7/4/04 11:02 am - Howell, NJ
Cozette, i ahve lost 23 pounds with little effort on the low glycemic index diet. go to google.com amd tye it in. it will give you the facts and waht to do. I eat every 4 hours and the key is protien! i have to make myself eat sometimes. it is easy to follow, the detician I seen put me on it pre op and i was shocked i lost 16 pounds in 10 days. give it a try. it tells you the right combination of gfoods to eat and what to staty away from. i will be having surgery hopefully inthe fall. i am seeing Dr Rominelli at Jersey shore medical center and I canpt wait to be on the loosing side for real. good luck to you, if you try this i think you will see good results! I also increased my water instead of soda ect i starting drinking h20 with meals ect. it is easy. the secret for me is having the water really ice cold. i throw them in the freerzer to gert a little ice in them tohy go down reral easy that way! god bless joyce

on 7/4/04 2:36 pm - TRENTON, NJ
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