What would you ask a politician who could help you???

on 6/30/04 11:50 pm - San Antonio, TX
Hi Friends! It's me again, your trusty pest, continuing to ask you for info that will aid in my lobbying the government on a local, state and national level to eliminate obesity discrimination AND to make insurance coverage for surgical weight loss a mandatory benefit. Even though I'm in Alabama I am working to lobby all 50 states. It's pay it forward time..........can you please, please help me by answering this question. If you could sit face to face with anyone in power and make a difference.....what would you say to them about WLS and how it will change or has changed your life? Hugs, Rona Your Bari-Godmother
Susan Hegarty
on 7/5/04 3:04 am - Easton, PA
Hi Rona, This surgery is so important to us, it is a tool we need to help save our lives. Personally speaking I am not doing this for "cosmetic" reasons, I am doing this for "health" reasons. As an obese child and now adult it has been a very painful ride in life up to this point. We pay insurance premiums to have medical coverage which is supposed to benefit our lives and health, not govern our care. The individual reviewing our cases should take into consideration our reasons for having the surgery and the simple fact that is is a "personal" choice used to extend/save our lives and save "them" money in the future by illiminating alot of health risks and need for costly care in the future. WLS will change my life in so many ways. It wil lallow me to be healthy, active and enjoy my life for the first time in a very long time.
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