Pre-Op with question about smoking??

Susan Hegarty
on 6/26/04 1:39 pm - Easton, PA
Hi again everyone, I have a question about God and insurance willing I am scheduled for surgery on July 28th. I have been a smoker for about 16 yrs now and I know I must quit not only for my health but becasue of the risks with surgery. Besides lifelong issues with obesity smoking is a major addiction in my life for a very long time and I am having a hard time coming to terms with the quitting. I am quitting Monday!!! WooHoo!! How long do u have 2bsmoke free before having surgery? I'm thinking I should schedule my surgery for August, so I will have 2 months cigarette free opposed to one month. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated
Irene S.
on 6/26/04 2:49 pm - NJ
You really need to discuss this with your doctor. Different doctors want their patients to be smoke free for different periods of time. Irene
on 6/27/04 2:19 am - NJ
I'm so glad I quit three years ago. I was a heavy smoker for 30+ years and Susan, if I could quit, so can you!! It wasn't easy, but I went into it knowing it wouldn't be easy. Get past the first 3 or 4 days, and it gets easier. I got plastic straws that I cut to cigarette length and used just like cigarettes. The deep breathing really helped with the stress. I still keep a straw or two in the car and in my purse. You can do it Susan, and it will be worth it.
on 6/27/04 7:59 am - Butler, NJ
I KNOW I'll catch heat for this but, I quit a week before surgery. I was doing great until about 2 weeks ago and I'm back to it....not as much as before, though. I am someone who actually enjoys it, stupid as it may sound. Debbie
Irene S.
on 6/27/04 12:52 pm - NJ
Debbie, you won't catch heat from me about this, because I'm a former smoker and I quit more than once. I know how hard it is to stop. Anyhow, my doctor can tell from the blood gases or something if you've been smoking anytime within 2 or more weeks before surgery. In other words, if you had my surgeon, he would have sent you home (and he HAS done that). That's why I suggested that Susan check with her surgeon. irene
Laura H.
on 6/27/04 9:41 am - Belford, NJ
You really should ask your Dr. Mine will not do surgery unless you have not been smoking for months !!!! I quit 4 years ago so I know how hard it is but I can say that even though I put on like 50 lbs. because I quit smoking. I still feel better having stoped !!!! GOOD LUCK Laura
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