One-Year Update - Reflections

on 6/20/04 11:29 pm - Toms River, NJ
OK, my one-year WLS re-birthday was last Wednesday and Friday was my check-up with the Dr. My bloodwork is all good -- a little high on the bad cholesterol, but overall cholesterol is under 200, (a drop of over 100 points since WLS) so not terrible. My weight is holding steady at about 186 -- I have been up and down 5 pounds since Chuck (my beloved DH) died in mid-May, getting as low as 185, then bouncing back up to 190. I had hoped to be at 175 by this time, but under the cir****tances, I don't think I'm doing badly -- losing 150 pounds in one year! Definately couldn't have done that before WLS. I am eating more, averaging 1500-1800 calories a day -- too high. Need to get it down to between 1200-1500 again. Mostly stress eating in the evenings when I'm home alone. Also, I had been keeping my carbs below 75 before and now it's over 120 most days. Got to get that under control again. I haven't come this far just to sabotage myself. I have been trying to keep myself busy and distracted. I got a new short haircut on Saturday -- needed a change for many reasons. Haven't had short hair in over 20 years! So far, I like it and have gotten compliments. I signed up for belly dancing lessons and start tomorrow -- it should be fun and will amp up my exercise regime as well as keep me busy another night each week. I'm looking forward to the NYC OH event on Saturday -- have made hotel reservations in the city so I don't have to commute and am planning to get together with some of my AMOS buddies and hopefully meet other people too! Need more distractions! Write me if you are going and want to meet. In summary, I hope to be able to lose another 30 pounds before "the honeymoon" is over and then pursue PS. Want to get my teeth fixed too, and be considered "HOT" again before my 50th birthday -- 2 1/2 years away!!! Good luck to everyone on their own personal WLS journey -- your many posts help me each and every day. Lap RNY 6/16/03 -- 336/186/156?
Denise W.
on 6/20/04 11:58 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Thanks for sharing Nanette! You look wonderful and given all you've gone through, you're doing great. Have a great time on Saturday! Denise
on 6/21/04 8:30 am - Elizabeth, NJ
Hi Nannette: You've done a great job over the past year and I know that you will continue to do well. I'm planning on being in New York on Saturday and look forward to meeting you. Jesse
on 6/21/04 11:54 pm - Toms River, NJ
Hey Jessie -- I am looking forward to meeting you on Saturday. Look for me -- although now I have a new shorter "do" -- See you then.
Elizabeth A.
on 6/21/04 1:03 pm - Beachwood, NJ
Dear Nannette my heart goes out to you. Hang in there. God's strength will get through this sad time in your life. I am glad that you are planning and doing fun things for yourself.I I want to take belly dancing lessons too. where are they? I have a belly but my daughter who is also a belly dancer claims that it is good to have some fat on the belly to be able to exagerate the belly rolls. By the way what is OH in NY? I am at a plateau with my weight loss. I dont drink enough water or excercise. I need to force myself to do these things. Nannetter call me anytime you want to chat. Or maybe we can get a pedicure at the LA nails. Liz
on 6/21/04 11:52 pm - Toms River, NJ
Hey Liz - OH in NY is the Obesity Help Event that is being held in NYC this Saturday, June 26th. You can find a link to the agenda earlier on this page from Bob McCoy. Get your water and exercise in -- it's important! Talk to you soon.
on 6/29/04 8:40 am - Hamilton, NJ
Hi Nanette! Congratulations on your success. . .hang in there!!! Judy Begin A New You OSSG
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