on 6/18/04 6:55 am - Bayville, NJ
Sorry guys it seems as if everytime I post I'm complaining...but I really need to vent because I have been crying my eyes out since 1pm Today I went to my PCP because my lab results came back saying I had elevated H Pylori...So everyone said I would have to be on a round of Antibiotics for 2 weeks..OK thats easy... well to make a long story short I now have to add another dr to my list of clearance Gastro...My PCP refuses to give me the antibiotics and now I have to go for an endoscopy....lets just push my consultation back a little further.. I cant even make an appointment till Monday and God knows how long it will take to get in...
Roxanne Piligno
on 6/18/04 7:10 am - RUNNEMEDE, NJ
hey christine , keep ur head up u will get there!!! i know its hard !!! i know what u mean i have alot of dr apts to make and all kinds of tests need to be done bye aug, for a date !! i have to have a endoscopy as well aetna says i have pay 500. dollars of it and plus ever dr {sp } is 50 dollars for me .. i don't have to a sleep apnea test thank god but ever thing eles i have to do . i have to loss 30 pounds for my dr do a RNY i didn't think about all the money i have to put in ...i hope it will turn out ok for u!!! TAKE CARE !!! ROXANNE
Kathy S.
on 6/18/04 7:42 am - Rio Grande, NJ
Christine I cannot understand all that they put you throw. After reading about your problems with your insurance I feel that I am very lucky. Do what you have to do and everything will work out. I believe everything depends on your doctor. Maybe you need a new one to get this procedure moving quicker than it is. Kathy
on 6/19/04 4:43 am - NJ
I know just how you are feeling. I am still waiting for my Aetna approval, and to be perfectly honest, I can't remember the last time I was so stressed. I have gone for all of my consults - I had to go twice to the psych, twice to the nutritionist, and I have to have a nuclear stress test which requires 1 three hour appointment, 1 two hour appointment and then another appointment for a second visit with the cardiologist. And....I still have my sleep study to go through. I am so sick of this all - but I guess not sick enough to say forget it. We'll hang in there together!!!
Laura H.
on 6/20/04 12:42 am - Belford, NJ
Hang in there !!!! If anyone knows how crazy these Drs can make us its me !!! I don't understand why he did not aleast put you on the antibiotics . Even if he wants you to go to the gastro. he makes the call if he feels you need a endoscopy. I would call Mary and see what she has to say. Give me a call if you need to talk !!!! Laura
Irene S.
on 6/21/04 2:35 am - NJ
Take a deep breath and dry your eyes. I remember the rush I was in, just like you. I'm still waiting more than a year later. Unfortunately, no one is in as much of a hurry to get to surgery as we are! It'll happen. The weight didn't come on overnight. Hang in there, It'll come off a LOT faster than it went on, even if you figure in a dozen small delays like this. irene
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