6 Months Of medically supervised diet......
Check with your insurance compnay. I have Aetna and they require 6 months of documented phys supervised diet and exercise, must have been with the last 2 years and at least 3 months of it MUST be right before surgery. Or they will accept a multi-disiplinary surgical preparatory regimen done by the surgeon.
What is a multi-disiplinary surgical preparatory regimen? My surgeons office called for pre-auth for the surgry and were told I need 6 mos of med suprervised diet PLUS a 2nd medicaly supervised diet program w/in the past 5 yrs!!!! And I need clearane from psych and nutritionalist, which I am scheduled for. This whole process is very frustrating!! Why can't these insurance companies just see that I am FAT, UNHEALTHY and MISERABLE and approve the surgery...lol
on 6/14/04 4:54 am - Union, NJ
on 6/14/04 4:54 am - Union, NJ
Hi Irene..I also like to know what a multi-disciplinary surgical preparatorpy regimen is? Thanks for your help..