Help-I Need a WLS Intervention!

on 6/2/04 11:02 pm - Toms River, NJ
Hi guys -- I need an intervention from my fellow WLS'ers. Anybody care enough to give me a much needed kick in the ass! As many of you know, my beloved DH, Chuck, passed away two weeks ago - and in my grief and trying to cope since then, I have fallen back into many of my old bad stress-eating habits -- munching throughout the day -- eating without thinking, eating too late in the night, etc., etc., etc.. With my one-year anniversary coming up fast, I had hoped to continue to lose weight -- but in the last three weeks, I've gained 3 pounds and been unable to take it off again -- keep going up and down on the same 3-4 pounds. I'm having a difficult time getting back on track. I'll be attending my Ocean County WLS Support Group Friday, and hope that will help, but.... Help me before I fall off the wagon completely -- I beg you!!!! Lap RNY 6/16/03 - 336 / 186 / 188 / 156?
Laura H.
on 6/3/04 12:21 am - Belford, NJ
Hi Nannette I know that you must be going through a really hard time since the loss of you beloved DH and I know you must miss him so much but hang in there. Try to get out and keep yourself busy this way you will be away from FOOD. I will keep you in my prayers and if you need a friend I'm here for you !!! ((((((HUGS)))))) Laura
on 6/3/04 4:16 am - Bridgewater, NJ
Nannette, I care very much but I don't think I can bring myself to kick you in the ass! However, I'm game for trying to help you fill your time less destructively. I'll see you tomorrow night - let's talk about doing an activity. I see you're a bowler, maybe we can arrange a Lanes Night? Or, I'm always up for a walk. Think about it and we'll talk tomorrow. Jen
Linda 1.
on 6/4/04 10:07 am - Northern, NJ
GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK! You certainly don't need a kick in the need to take care of yourself by doing whatever comforts you for right now....your tool will not let you get too out of control, concentrating on coping with a loss like yours is too much for anyone, how can you expect yourself to be thinking about your food choices right now....give yourself a little time, then slowly start reintroducting your "wls" eating plan. Best wishes
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