YaY! I lost some weight! YaY!

Yvonne C.
on 5/29/04 8:52 am - Garfield, NJ
Hey All! I know that when I posted the other day, I was anxious about the scale. My Marilyn and several others told me to put the scale away... But this morning when I woke up, the weirdest thing occurred to me... Is my stomach flatter? Could it be possible? Wait! I can see all 5 insisions! But, taking into account that this was probably impossible, :nono I resolved to NOT get on the scale or measure myself to see. Instead I got busy, reading, returning phone calls, and having my breakfast. But... After my I got on the scale (as is part of my normal routine) and it says I lost 6 pounds! 6 pounds in 6 days! WOW! I know that this isn't as much as many of you guys have reported, but to me this is momentous! I just had a terrible nightmare last night that I went to my support meeting and everyone was yelling at me because I failed to lose any weight, and they said I must be cheating, and I deserved to stay fat! Now I'm a BIG FAT LOSER! I went for a short walk in the park to celebrate and managed 1/2 mile and then I went home to play in my garden. I spoke to two of my email buddies from OH, and feel so energized! I feel like running around in circles I am so delirious! Yay for me! thumbsup: I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend! I know that even though I don't have any plans, I am having a super weekend! And of course, I'm sooo excited because Sara might come over later and stay with me for a few days! HAHAHA! Yvonne Isn't life great?!?!?
on 5/30/04 2:45 am - NJ
Yvonne, I'm so glad things are going so well for you! I can't wait to be on the losing side! Hope you and Sara continue to do well!!
on 6/1/04 2:31 am - Bayville, NJ
Yvonne......Good for you....I know your doin the happy dance right about now.. I can't wait to join you on the other side as we say... Best of luck XOXOXO Christine
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