Marilyn R.
on 5/25/04 9:28 pm - Queens, NY
Hey everyone, Please say an extra prayer for the sisters. Yvonne, is having trouble holding down her liquids, the only thing she can tolerate is broth and she can't get more than an ounce in an hour. She's vomited a couple of times already. Sara is also having a little trouble too, she just cannot get more than an ounce of water down in an hour. So they won't be going home until Thursday the earliest. They have to try and keep more than an ounce down in an hour or they'll have to stay longer. Please keep them in your prayers for a speedy recovery Hugs Marilyn Yvonne C-S http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/status.phtml?N=C1083122457 Sara Ec http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/status.phtml?N=E1083532435
on 5/26/04 1:00 pm - Voorhees, NJ
Thanks for keeping us updated. Please let them and their families know that my thoughts are with them. Soon this tough stuff will just be a distant memory, and so will the weight! Sue
Laura H.
on 5/27/04 12:53 am - Belford, NJ
I will keep them both in my prayers !!!! Hopefully they will both feel better soon !!! (((((((HUGS))))))) Laura
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