Why Does He Keep Looking For Something To Go Wrong

on 5/11/04 8:07 am - Elizabeth, NJ
Hi Everyone: I know it's not Friday yet but this just couldn't wait. I had to take my wife Joanna to our PCP today at his request because she was taking too much of one of her medications. When we arrived he spoke to her for about 30 seconds then proceeded to give me a complete examination. Granted his wife had just seen me on May 1. I was OK but since he was the one I had to fight to get my letter for insurance approval (because he doesn't believe in the surgery), he tries to find something wrong with me every chance he gets. The results of his exam which I did not want. BP - 120/80 EKG - NORMAL All Blood work including B-6, B-12, Clolesterol and Iron-NORMAL He even scheduled me for a eccho on May 20. Then he finally said to me after finding nothing wrong with me "maybe you should consider not losing any more weight". This comming from a man who has been telling me for years to lose weight. I know that he is waiting for something to go wrong but it is my mission in my new life to see him when scheduled and leave with him finding nothing wrong with me. I just love proving him wrong every opportunity I get. Till Friday, Jesse 373/207/-166
Jim M.
on 5/11/04 9:19 am - Brick, NJ
Jesse, It seems some people are just pessimists.................bringing ,you down builds them up. I was speaking with a co-worker the other day who is 25.....underweight ...and shows all the arrogance of youth. He showed me the hatchet article from the Star Ledger and said " This is why I am against fat people having this surgery. You should be forced to join and Gym and get serious." When I pointed out how he could never understand the metabolic, psychologic and physical benefits of this surgery, the rebirth we have experienced he said..." I on't care, its still wrong!" I walked away shaking my head and thinking, twenty years from now when his metabolism slows down, and he is gaining weight, I hope there are still some sympethtic people out there to help him. As for the nay sayers Jesse, Live right, stay light and prove 'em wrong! God bless.
on 5/12/04 10:41 am - w. orange, nj
Hi Jesse- I know what you mean- My own pcp never wrote a letter for me - she even called my family & tried to have them talk me out of it-We've been friends for over 20 years and she's been my doc for the last 10 - I even worked for her before Dr G. She would give me dieting advice and tell me how to lose weight but she didn't think I should have surgery- Her brother is a surgeon & he doesn't do this surgery blah blah blah- She even told my I was a dinner topic one night & everyone agreed I should just try to diet more! Impossible! When I went for my three month visit- she didn't believe I'd lost what I had & had no compications! She kept taking my blood pressure did a million blood tests kept telling my to ck my vitals at home etc.. We had so many discussions prior to my surgery - Until I asked flat out- WHEN I have my surgery will you take care of my follow up blood work - or should I find someone else? She hastily told me no- she'd take care of it. Now I just telll her the blood tests I need and she draws blood & sends the results to Dr G. I go again tomorrow and am hapily going to tell her now - six months later, I've lost 96 lbs still no compications and haven't been sick once since surgery- no migranes, no colds nothing! I've thanked Dr Garrison so many times- I don't even get to finish now- I am so thankful every day & feel so lucky to have gone thru this! I'm with you - we just have to prove them wrong! DOnna
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