First appointment

Candice C.
on 4/15/04 11:28 pm - West Deptford, NJ
I have scheduled my first appointment. I am due to see the doctor on May 20,2004. I am a little nervous but excited at the same time. What do I expect the first time I go? I will keep you all posted on how it all goes.
on 4/16/04 7:30 am - New Brunswick, NJ
Candice, The best thing you can do is "have your ducks in a row." Make a list of all the weight loss programs you have tried, how long you were on them, how much you lost and how long you kept the weight off. Also make a list of all your Doctor's phone numbers and addresses. Let your surgeon know if you were on any prescribed meds for weight loss such as Xenical or Meridia. If you haven't talked with your PCP about this, I would suggest you do that now, because you may need a letter of medical support from that Dr. in order for your insurance to approve you. The more information you can have on hand and in an organized fashion, the better prepared you'll be. My first visit was not with the surgeon but with the Nurse and Office Manager. They did a prescreeening and I met with the surgeon the following week. The office gave me referrals and I made appts. with a psychologist and a nutritionist, both of which needed to write a letter of support in order for my insurance to approve me. By the time I met with the surgeon, his office had already received the letters from the psy. and nutritionist, and my blood work. Because his office was so efficient in knowing what I needed ahead of time, the surgeon met with me and was able to write a letter of medical necessity to my insurance company soon after my first appt. My insurance company approved me in less than a week from that first meeting with the surgeon. The important thing to remember is to do as much of the paperwork as you can to prepare before the appt. I had a heads up about the paperwork from 2 friends who had the surgery. I hope this info helps.
Candice C.
on 4/18/04 11:09 pm - West Deptford, NJ
Thank you very much for that info. I needed someone to let me know where to start. I will get started on all of this right away. If you have anymore helpful hints please, feel free to contact me. I can use all of the help I can get. Thanks again!
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