preparing for june surgery

andrea B.
on 4/5/04 2:06 am - howell, NJ
I am new to this web site and am so excited because it looks like there is so much info. I have a surgery date of june 16 with Dr. Trevedi in Hackensack. I am having the RNY bypass. I am curious if anyone started to exercise or diet before surgery to prepare themselves. I do neither right now. How are some ways that anyone prepared themselves?
on 4/5/04 2:48 pm - Howell, NJ
Andrea, Hi there Joycelyn here form the Atlantic Highlands, here are my thoughts! And by the way............................................ CONGRADULATIONS!!! I was thinking myself of starting with Curves especially sionce it is three blocks away now ! I do not have a date yet but I figure if i start now I will be ahead of the game and it will be easier post op. So I am going monthly now for $49 and after surgery I will sign a year contract for $39.00 Thinking WW to. I figure why not at least try to get use to the giving up so much of the things I like right?? Couldn' t hurt. I know I think they want you to diet pre op any way. I go wednesday to see MAry with Partnership in WLS at Jersey Shore to start the pre certs. I can't wait!
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