Can anyone please HELP me, any help would be appreicated

Norbert E.
on 3/30/04 1:55 pm - Riverdale, NJ
Hi, I am 43, male, and morbidly obese. I am also alot taller then most people, I am 6'11" tall and my weight is unknown. I am guessing I weigh 700 plus pounds. I have been house bound for the last 5 years, and bed bound the last 6 months. I dont have a life anymore, I only exsist. I believe the only way I can get back to a normal life is too have this surgecy. Now my problem is this. Unlike most people, I cant get too the doctors offices for visits, or check ups. Normal wheelchairs dont fit me and clothes, well thats another story. It is hard for me too sit for any extended period of time and when I do stand once in a while, my knees are in really bad pain. Mostly I just lie in bed all the time on my right side, I cant lay on my back or left side because then it is hard to breath. I currently have a family doctor that does house call visits and also a foot doctor that does the same. I was wondering if there are in doctors, and oithers that I would need to see in NJ that would consider making a houses call to get me ready for this surgercy, There must be others in the same situation I am in, I wonder what they do. Any advise, doctors names in NJ, phone numbers or anything that will steer me in the right direction, would greatly be appreicated. You can either leave a message here or drop me a e-mail. This is no joke and I am really serious, and I really dont know where too begin. Hope to hear from you, Norbert
on 3/30/04 9:01 pm - morris county, nj
Norbert, my heart goes out to you . . . . how well I remember what my back felt like before surgery, and I was actually considered a lightweight. 700 pounds I can't even begin to imagine. The only thing I can think of is for you to go to the "find a doc" portion of this web site, print it out and start making phone calls. Or contact the local hospitals bariatric departments and see if anyone there can point you in the right direction. If you want a local e-mail buddy, I'd love to "e-chat" with you. Hugs, luck and love, Linda
on 3/31/04 1:25 pm - Howell, NJ
dear Norbet, welcome to a wonderful helpful group of wonderful people and resourses. There is a lady you need tyo speak with her name is Mary and she many resourses. She is at the Jersey shore hospital once per nmonth and allover the state and other states and areas of NJ. I will forward her number to you as I am at work now and do not have it on me. She is a wonderful person and I feel she would be a great resourse for you MOre than the average person on here. She pre certs pre ops with all the resources you need ect. I will forward her name and nubwer in the am to you. Keep the faith and realize you are looking in the right direction, pray about it that all will fall into place and you get getyour life back. I weigh about 300 myself and I can't even begin how hard this must be for you. Until when we can chat again. God Bless Joyce
on 4/5/04 12:55 am - Howell, NJ
Dear Norbert, I sent you an email with marys number please let me know if you got it ok?? i did not want to put her personal number on the messageboard. She said she would love to help you in anyway she can. please call her! Let me know how it goes. Gob Bless Joycelyn
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