Calling Dr. Abkin's Post-Op Patients

Rosemary B.
on 3/17/04 8:30 pm - NJ
Hello, I was wondering if there are any of Dr. Abkin's (located in Morristown, NJ) Post-Op patients out here? If so, can you share your after surgery experience with me for the first couple of weeks - month? I'm going in for surgery on the 29th and I am trying to get as much info as possible. Thanks!
Jim M.
on 3/17/04 8:42 pm - Brick, NJ
Dear Rosemary, Hello and relax....your in good hands! I had my surgery on January 27, 2004 with Dr. Abkin. He is an excellent and competent doc, will have you off the table as soon as possible. You will have a follow up with him in 7-9 days to remove your staples, and then a 1 month and three month follow up with Dr. Ciccone in his office who is the nutritionist. I have called the office twice with questions and never had a problem getting it answered either. On your 1 month follow up you will be given a list of blood tests you need for your three month as well. Oh, you will also be weighed in, and what a great feeling that is too. I lost 13 pounds in the first 9 days and almost 30 at the 32 day mark!!! My friend Al is going top have the surgery on the same day as you, find a way to speak in the hall if you can, I stay in touch with a girl named Amy who had hers the same day as me. We meet at the Docs office on the same days, encourage each other...and share drink and food recipies if something works for us! Good Luck ! Jim
Sue J.
on 3/18/04 12:19 pm - Whiting, NJ
Rosemary I will see you at the hospital I am having surgery on the 30th with Dr. Bertha. I just found out today...very soon...
Rosemary B.
on 3/18/04 9:41 pm - NJ
Great! I wish you the best of luck and I'll see you on the losing side!
janice M.
on 3/18/04 11:40 pm - mullica hill, NJ
Hi Sue, I am having surgery with Dr. Bertha on the 22nd. Good luck and keep in touch. Janice Maatje
Sue J.
on 3/19/04 12:17 am - Whiting, NJ
Dear Rosemary and Janice, I just got off the phone with Dr Berthas office and I have some questions. Maybe you guys can help me... I have my pre-op class next wednesday March 24th...then they will give me the paperwork for the pre-op testing at the hospital. I was hoping to do it the same day but they said I would be getting out of the class too late. My next day off after that is Monday, the day before my surgery. The girl I spoke with said it would be fine to do my bloodwork on the day before (she asked the dr,) does this sound right to you guys? And dont we have to do some kind of prep the day before? There is no way I can be in my car for 3 hours if I have to drink that fleets stuff... Can you help me? I might have to call their office back again... Thanks in advance if you can help... Sue
Rosemary B.
on 3/19/04 3:12 am - NJ
Hi Sue, I would call her or you may need to take another day off and go because yes, you have prep the day before and we were told not to leave the house once you've taken the fleets stuff so you really need to see what you can do. The class is long. It lasted about 3 hours and then if you have any questions or they need to see you, you then need to go back with the woman and speak to her so you don't know when you will get out of there. Call them and see what you can work out. Maybe they can give you your paperwork early. Best of luck with this and your surgery.
janice M.
on 3/19/04 10:19 am - mullica hill, NJ
Sue, I live 2 hours from the hospital and I know what you are talking about to have to go up there again. I had wished I could have had the paper before the pre-op class and had gone in the morning. Could you call and ask them if that would be possible. Iwould think the paperwork on your necessary tests may be done by then. The nurse practictioner who spoke at the class was excellent and very well organized. Good luck and keep in touch.
Sue J.
on 3/19/04 10:30 am - Whiting, NJ
I have talked to Julie from there and she thinks that maybe I can do my bloodwork down here...they only need it as a baseline she keeps saying and they dont need the results. But I guess I will have to wait until someone calls me on Monday...I would hate for them to say I cant have it on account I didnt get the pre-op stuff done far enough in advance...we will see. Thanks for your reply I do appreciate any input...
on 3/19/04 12:23 am - Lynchburg, VA
Hi Rosemary. I had my surgery 4/15/03 with Dr. Abkin. My opinion may be biased because I am unbelievably grateful to him for giving me a new life. I think he is an extremely skilled surgeon, and a very caring man. Surgery itself took less than an hour! He came to see his patients in the hospital the day after surgery, and spent time talking with me. He was on vacation for my one-week follow-up appt, and so I saw Dr Bertha that day. At that appt I also saw his other patients who were in the hospital the same time as me--one or two were still walking with pillows for comfort, but overall we were excited and doing well. If you have any specifics I can answer for you, feel free to contact me! Best wishes, Judy
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