Horizon BC/BS of NJ (PPO) - Plastic Surgery

Carol S.
on 3/8/04 1:45 am - Columbia, PA
Has anyone used Horizon BC/BS of NJ (PPO) for plastic surgery and can you please share how accomidating they were? Thanks so much!!! Carol
on 3/8/04 3:31 am - Howell, NJ
Carol, not sure but in Florida they are trying to dorp WLS period!! I would get in your request ASAP. I do not think they will get away with it i signed a petion on line. best of luck to you. JOycelyn
april L.
on 3/11/04 7:19 am - Belleville, NJ
I personaly have never heard of an insurance company paying for plastic surgery excpet breast reduction and thats only in the case of bad back aches and heath problems attributted to it..
Linda 1.
on 3/11/04 11:21 am - Northern, NJ
I do know that the state plan has paid for tummy tucks when there was a hernia....get a doctor that knows how to work the plan! Linda
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