Husband not really supportive!

Rosemary B.
on 3/7/04 10:10 pm - NJ
My husband who claims he is supportive of me in my opinion is not. I can't talk to him about my feelings. When ever I tell someone about my choice and he's around he turns the other way, doesn't make any comments regarding it or anything. My husband is very outspoken so I find this odd. When I try to talk to him about it, he kinda brushes me off. I know he is concerned for my well being but what I can't understand is that he was supportive when his sister had her surgery a year ago and I can't figure out why he is acting this way. I don't think its just a matter of being scared I might die, because he wasn't this way with his sister and lets face it, blood is thicker than water. If that was all it was, then he would have been the same way with her. I keep trying to discuss it and he just keeps saying "I support you and I don't know what else you want". I do have support from other family members but since I live with him and he is supposed to be my partner for life, I want to talk to him. I want him to say to me that it's going to be ok. I am extremely upset and frustrated! Is anyone else going through this?
Carol S.
on 3/8/04 2:37 am - Columbia, PA
Rosey, I ran into this same situation with my sister, and eventually came to the conclusion that I was just plain old obsessed, and there was only so much she could take!!! I knew she cared and I knew she was supportive so I "used" her ear often, and while it is/was a life altering step for me, she had a normal life of her own to deal with. Maybe you should step back and see if your comments today are the same as yesterday and the day before and the day before....... even those who love us can only take so much!!!! I hope it is just this easy, and that everything goes super for you!!! In my prayers!! Carol
Rosemary B.
on 3/8/04 8:32 pm - NJ
Thank you Carol for your words of wisdom!
Colleen G.
on 3/17/04 5:06 am - Folcroft, PA
Rosemary, I know how you feel. I to have a husband that has not been to supportive. My findings are that they just don't understand what it is we are going through or our mind set. It helps to make them aware of why you want this and what it will do for you and your spouse. If you still feel he is being unresponsive about the situation, you may want to enter couple therapy together. To my knowledge those who have had the surgery and had unsupportive spouses only found it became more difficult after sugery to communicate with them. I hope all turns out well for you.
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