3 Week Update and A Question!

Barbara M.
on 2/16/04 1:41 am - Delran, NJ
I will be 3 weeks post-op tomorrow, and I have lost 24 pounds! Woohoo! I am tolerating foods very well, and feel great - although I still seem to get tired. People are beginning to notice the weight loss, and are mentioning it to me. It's hard for me to see it yet, but I am very encouraged by the comments of others! I have a question. Has anyone else experienced an intolerance to cold? Before the surgery, I always felt hot. I was always driving my family crazy by turning the heat down in the winter, and really cranking up the AC in the summer. As soon as I was post-op, I began to feel chilly most of the time. Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining! I'd rather have to put on an extra layer of clothes than walk around naked! (hehe!) And my family is happy to have me keeping the thermostat at a normal temperature. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Barb
Jim M.
on 2/16/04 10:40 am - Brick, NJ
Hi Barbara, I haven't seen a scale since my 1 week, the doc wants me to wait for a full month. My wife says my head is shrinking......my older son calls me baseball head now, I don't see it but it is encouraging. I too have always had a high thermastat, and this past week have found myself putting on an extra sweat shirt, lighting the fireplace, or turning up the heat. Maybe we are turniong in out extra layers.....let them go. Great news on the 24, I hope I can compete with you. Jim
Barbara M.
on 2/18/04 1:35 am - Delran, NJ
Jim, Congrats on being able to stay off the scale! I'm afraid that I am a scale addict! Hehe! You should have quite a surprise next week when you step on! And don't worry about keeping up with me. Guys always seem to lose weight faster than women! You'll probably be way out in front! Take care, and keep up the good work! Barb
SeaShoreClams H.
on 2/16/04 11:28 am - Jersey City, NJ
I am currently 5 months post op. I remember right after the surgery I was getting cold spells all the time. Matter of fact I also had hot spells since I had 1001 blankets on me.. haha But I guess we feel cold since our insolation is melting away.....hahaha
Linda P.
on 2/18/04 12:11 pm - Morris County, NJ
I had my surgery in early October, 2003, and ever since the surgery I am always cold. It is because of the fat you are losing. I remember feeling the same way after I lost 70 pounds by taking phen fen. It takes a long time for your body to adjust to the loss of the insulating fat.
Susan S.
on 3/17/04 9:32 am - Marlboro, NJ
All my friends told me I was going to be cold in a year. Well I'm only one month post-op and I'm freezing all the time now! It's so funny what a difference it is! I used to sweat sitting at the computer - shopping at the grocery store became an embarassment from sweating, so this is a great change for me ! One of the reasons I'm told is that our bodies aren't working as hard as it used to to process all the garbage and enormous amounts of food we used to eat. Our bodies are working more efficiently with just needing to breakdown a small amount of food and mostly proteins at that! That's my take on it and I'll take it! Susan
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