OMG! I need some encouragement.

Patti S.
on 2/2/04 2:01 am - North Haledon, NJ
Ok! her it goes I only have 15 more days to the start of my new life and moving on to the thinner life style and I am real excited . However I am real nervous and up tite also. I need an angel or someone who can give me so encouragement. I get it from my family but I need someone who had the surgery. please help.
Jim M.
on 2/2/04 2:32 am - Brick, NJ
Patti, Encouragement is on the way.............I hope. My wife was amazed with how calm I was, and the surgeon used the word "serene". I guess to some extent I really really was. If you have done your researchy, which I believe you have done. If you are confident in the doctor, which you must be if your prepared to do this, than be confident. KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE!! Patti focus on the fact that soon the real warm weather will be here, more will be less. In your appearence, in your clothes!! lol! I was so confident this was the right thing for me to do, I was so ready for the changes that were going to make my life over again.I reached out a week ago and took the tool to make the change.....all I can do is tell you reach for it too.You will do just fine, please write back if you need more chatting and support and please write me after your surgery. I just came back from a 10 minute walk outside in the sunshine and feel marvelous, now I am off to the shower. I wish you all the best!! Jim
Patti S.
on 2/3/04 10:22 am - North Haledon, NJ
Thanks rick for the words of encouragement. I do have lots of trust with my Dr. and I have a real good support group of family and friends.I was thinking today how lucky I am to have so many cheerleaders on my side and I really think this is going to be great and I can not even imagine what it is like to be on the thin side. I can only dream and wait to see the results. I will email you or my husband to let you know how I did. I am glad you feel so good. Talk to you soon. Patti 2/17/04 2 weeks and counting
Barbara M.
on 2/2/04 9:02 am - Delran, NJ
Hi, Patti. I was just where you are! My surgery was last week, and I came through beautifully. I've been home since Friday, and I've already lost 15 pounds, as of this morning! I had moments of abject terror in the days and weeks leading up to the surgery, but i think that is very normal. You will be amazed at how easily and smoothly things will go for you. I will keep you in my prayers. Just keep a positive attitude, and trust the Lord. He's led you to this opportunity to change your life, and he'll carry you through it. Blessings, Barb
Patti S.
on 2/3/04 10:24 am - North Haledon, NJ
Thanks Barb for the words of encouragement I am glad you are doing wonderful I can not wait until I am on the losing side with all of you. I will let you know how I do. Thanks and keep up the good work. Patti 2/17/04
Amy R.
on 2/7/04 8:03 am - Jackson, NJ
Patti, What you are feeling is totally normal. Now is the time for a Major Roller Coaster Ride of emotions. Fear, excitement, anticipation, doubt--you name it--you feel it. I had my surgery 9/19/03 and am so happy that I did it. One suggestion is that you call your doctor and get something mild to calm your nerves until the surgery. That really helped me. You can e-mail me anytime [email protected] If you want I can give you my phone number and we can chat. Support from your family is wonderful, but they don't understand what you are going through as well as someone who went through the surgery does. Good luck on your surgery and I hope that you have a speedy and uneventful recovery.
Nichole P.
on 2/7/04 4:26 pm - Emerson, NJ
Well Patti im in the same boat as you! I have one month and 10 days until surgery (March 18th) and im so nervous its unbelievable. I am excited because this is all that i can think about day in and day out but then i get worried. All i can say is i know how you feel! But the only way i get through it is to look around ive already started shopping for skinny clothes! ive picked out what i want, ive set rewards for myself! It feels good to look at stores with so called 'normal' clothes sizes and know that soon enought I WILL WEAR THEM! =) I havent got a completely encouraging family but those who encourage me help. I definately have found some sanity in listing everything i want to do post-surgery... heres a few i cant wait for... 'Jogging with my dog, going up and down the stairs-and still feeling ALIVE!, Shopping at regular stores, Paying less for clothing- no more $3 extra just to buy 3X!!!, Reaching my toes!, Breathing when i zip my jeans!, Walking through a turnstyle facing forward!- those turnstyle things at entrances to stadiums and parks- im too scared to walk forward because i think ill get stuck!, And most of all... i cant wait to feel full when i eat!!!' those are just a few of my goals. but they have helped me realize how happy i will be post op! good luck! -Nichole
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