Wondering about post-op energy level

on 1/24/04 12:27 pm - Somerset, NJ
Greetings. I'm now nearly 2 weeks post op. Had lap RNY on 1/12/04. (Posting this message on 1/24) Everything has gone well. My surgeon was happy at my 1 week check up and I'd already lost over 20 pounds. No complications except still having some diarrhea and my lower left incision is still draining a bit. Have been off of pain meds entirely for five days. I'm getting in 50 grams of protein shakes and am gradually introducing soft foods with no problems. Getting in a total of at least 60 total grams daily. I'm drinking my water, taking my vitamin. Walking about 7 minutes a day on the treadmill and climbing up and down stairs several times a day. Up and puttering around the house most of the day, maybe one 1 hour nap during the day. Even drove the car a few miles yesterday w/ my boyfriend as passenger. My problem? I'm just not feeling ANY sense of energy at all. Wondering if this is normal and I just need to be patient and heal or if I should be feeling peppier. Any advice to help increase my energy level? Would appreciate hearing thoughts and experiences of others who have been at this stage. Thanks.
on 1/25/04 9:43 am - Lynchburg, VA
Hi Margaret Your experience sounds pretty typical for how far out you are. Remember that your body has suffered MAJOR trauma from the surgery, and that the effects from the anaesthesia can last longer than we would think. I didn't feel peppy for quite a while--I felt like I was 32 going on 70. As long as you're doing what's necessary--getting as much protein as possible, water, vites, and rest-- you'll find your energy level increasing as time passes. (As a new post-op, it takes a lot of energy just to remember to do all the necessary things!) Hang in there, and treat yourself well.
on 1/25/04 12:05 pm - Robbinsville, nj
Hi there, I had my surgery a week before you. I didn't get peppy untill I started eating more solid foods. I took to them rather well & quickly. Keep up the good work
Denise W.
on 1/26/04 1:41 am - Maple Shade, NJ
I concur with the other ladies replying. You will have very little energy your first month or two. You've just drastically reduced the number of calories you consumed, as well as had major surgery - these two factors combined will give you no energy for a while. You need to give your body time to adjust to the new amounts of calories, as well as time to burn off all the "garbage" in your system (ie. residual sugar, caffeine, etc.) I can promise you, at about month 3, you'll have lots of energy and by 5 months, more than you know what to do with! Good luck in your journey, Denise
Georgette C.
on 1/27/04 7:48 am - Princeton Junction, NJ
Margaret, We had our surgeries on the same day! I thought it was me I still seem very tired. Seems like I'm pushing myself to go out and do normal tasks. I'm glad to hear that it's normal. GOOD LUCK to you... you're off to a great start!! Georgette
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