My big day approaches!

Barbara M.
on 1/23/04 1:20 am - Delran, NJ
Thanks, Sandra, and God bless you! Barb
Nancy R.
on 1/22/04 3:34 pm - North Arlington, NJ
Hi Barbara...I know how you feel! My big day is on Monday 1/26. I'll say a prayer for you..just say one for me!! Nancy R
Barbara M.
on 1/23/04 1:22 am - Delran, NJ
I will surely say prayers for you! In fact, I just said the first one right now! Keep me posted when you get home, and I will let you know how I am doing, as well! Barb
Jim M.
on 1/23/04 1:16 am - Brick, NJ
Dear Barbra, I am also starting my journey on the 27th, and I am ready to go now. I wish you nothing but the best today, tueday and everyday. Stay positive and focused is what I have been told. I will say a prayer that As God brings you to it he will bring you through it! God Luck!! Jim
Barbara M.
on 1/23/04 1:26 am - Delran, NJ
Hey there, surgery buddy! Don't you wish we could just go right now? I don't want to wait through the weekend! I will be praying for you, and I am most appreciative of your prayers, as well. I went to support group last night, and it was so encouraging. What a happy group of people! Soon we will be among those happy folks with wonderful stories to tell! Blessings, Barb
on 1/23/04 1:26 am - morris county, nj
Here's hoping that your experience is as easy as mine was! Linda
Barbara M.
on 1/23/04 1:32 am - Delran, NJ
Thanks, Linda! It's always so encouraging to hear about people having an easy time of it. I am hopeful that it will be the case for me. I am not diabetic, and I do not have high blood pressure, so those things are definitely in my favor. Also, my weight tends to be on the lower end for weight loss surgery. (255) In addition, I had gall bladder surgery in March, and my anesthesia records indicate that I did very well while I was under. I am trying to really encourage myself with those thoughts. Glad things went so smoothly for you! Barb
Georgette C.
on 1/23/04 4:44 am - Princeton Junction, NJ
Barbara, How exciting!! My prayers are with you and GOOD WISHES too!! It will be over before you know it and you will be enjoying the lighter side. HUGS, Georgette
Barbara M.
on 1/23/04 6:40 am - Delran, NJ
Thanks, Georgette! It sounds as though things must be going well for you. I know that your surgery was very recent. I'm just so appreciative of all the support I'm getting. Hugs right back to you! Barb
Marcy S.
on 1/23/04 11:41 am - Madison, NJ
Hi Barb I am 3 days post. I was nervous when I picked up my living will, then I reminded myself I made this decision being in a sound state of mind (my shrink cleared me), I was well prepared, I posted and read everday on this site, and I need my health and my life in general to be better. My 15 year old daughter was the most opposed so I sat her down, what I found out is that she never even saw me as heavy when I asked her what she thought I weighed I was LOL becuase it was a difference of 60 lbs. What I did do was show her this site, gave her my password and she did my profile page and even posted while I was away. My husband wasn't on board at first since he's a personal trainer and had different views on how to loose weight. But he was 100% on board the month prior and was great while I was in the hospital. He got to see what I do! So stick to you gut if you are ready and you know this is right for you, you'll be great. i walked my dog twice today ands I am on may way for another SF ice pop. Email me any time, I won't go back to wor****il 2/9. Marcy
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