6-Month Update - Honeymoon Over?

on 12/15/03 11:01 pm - Toms River, NJ
Today is exactly six months since my surgery, and I had my follow up visit with the Dr on Friday -- she was very pleased with my progress and my bloodwork overall, but she wants me to up my protein a bit and my iron, as well as work on minimizing the "bad fat," although my cholesterol is down from 297 to 186. She also gave me a "goal weight" of 155 which is less than I thought it would be, but not unrealistic. I would be happy at 170, but we'll try for 155. I am no longer a diabetic, and no longer have asthma or sleep apnea. I have lost a total of 106 pounds since surgery and gone from a size 28/30 to a size 16/18. Overall, this has been much easier than I had anticipated, despite the continued hair loss and excess skin which I am still adjusting to. Don't ask me why, but I never considered the excess skin prior to surgery. In any case, while I have "averaged" an 18-20 pound loss most months, this last month I have "only" lost 8 pounds. Now I know that going forward, the loss will decrease. What is a reasonable expectation for me? I would love to get some feedback from similarly sized experienced post-ops. Thank you all for your continued support. Lap RNY 6/16/03 - 336/230/155?
on 12/16/03 10:51 am - Hamilton, NJ
Hi Nanette! Hang in there honey. . .you've just hit a plateau. . .you loose your weight over a 12 - 18 month period. . .the plateau WILL break. . .I know how you feel . . . I have hit a few of them myself. . .just stick to the program. . .try increasing the protein and watch how many carbohydrates you're getting in. . .try to increase your walking. . .you've made GREAT strides in a 6 month time frame. . .yes, the weight loss will slow down but you'll see it will start moving again. . .excess skin we all have. . .fat DROPS and boy does it ever but give yourself some time. . .everything will work out. . .will you be able to attend the meeting tomorrow night at Community in Toms River. . .I think we'll be in Auditorium C instead of B this time. . .we'll have a registration table out in the hall! Hope to see you and feel free to call if you'dl like to talk! Take care! Judy Newman Begin A New You OSSG
Naes Wls J.
on 12/21/03 8:39 am - NJ
Hi there, I just wanted to congratulate you on your great wt loss, you are doing great. keep up the good job. we will surly get to our goal sooner or later. I'm heading for that finish line. Open RNY 12/6/02 400/230/-170
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