Looking for advice

on 12/15/03 6:26 am - Secaucus, NJ
Hi there. My name is Jennifer and I am a 33 year old female who is very very overweight and I am considering gastric bypass surgery. :help I dont know how to go through this and I am real scared. My cardiologist suggested to me that this would be a good thing to get and her patients have seen some great results. I see her on Wednesday and I want to make my decision by then. Can anyone help me? Thank you Jenn
Carrie C.
on 12/15/03 7:56 am - North Plainfield, NJ
Hi Jenn, I'm Carrie and I am scheduled for WLS on January 6th. My doctor is Alexander Abkin of Advanced Laprascopy of Morristown. He is on the top 1000 surgeons in NJ. I have been overweight for many years right now my current weight is 245lbs. You can read my profile for more information. If you have any questions as to what the procedures are you can email directly at [email protected] I will guide you the best I know how. Best of luck Carrie
Jim M.
on 12/15/03 11:29 am - Brick, NJ
Hello! I am a patient of Dr. Abkin too. I am scheduled for surgery on the 27th of January 2004, and just found out I was approved for the procedure on the 12th of December!! ( woo-hoo!) The process is involved, but it is important to show that you know what you are doing, why and what you expect. Good Luck Carrie and good luck Jenn! Jim
Carrie C.
on 12/15/03 7:41 pm - North Plainfield, NJ
Jim, congratulations on your surgery. It's great that you were approved. I will let you know how I make out on the 18th as far as the appt with Dr. goes if you like just send me your email address. 2004 will truly be a wonderful new year. What part of NJ are you from? Best of Luck Carrie
Jim M.
on 12/21/03 11:15 am - Brick, NJ
Dear Carrie, Congratulations yourself! Wow....are you as nervous as I am. I am very confident in Dr. Abkin and llok forward to crossing over. Please write me back, I would like to keep tabs on you as I get ready myself. Best of Luck and Happy Holidays! Jim
Denise W.
on 12/16/03 1:50 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Hey Jenn, It took me 3 years to decide, because I was so scared - but it is without a doubt, the smartest thing I ever did for myself. If you want to talk, e-mail me and I'll send you my phone number - we'll talk! Denise
Jim M.
on 12/16/03 11:44 am - Brick, NJ
Carrie, You can email me at [email protected], please do I would like to follow your progress since you are two weeks ahead f me. I haven't gone for my pre certs yet. I think the second week of January. HAppy Holdays and BEST OF LUCK!~ Jim
on 12/31/03 7:55 am - Somerset, NJ
Jenn, Don't put so much pressure on yourself to make a quick decision. Since your doctor has recommended this, you owe it to yourself to think seriously about it and to make as informed a decision as you can. The only decision you have to make right now is the decision to learn about it. Morristown Memorial has a monthly meeting for those who are interested in learning. I went four times before I made up my mind. I'm sure other hospitals have similar meetings. Your decision is not final until you have signed the consent form and show up at the hospital on the day of your surgery and let them wheel you into the OR. Take your time with deciding. Keep making baby steps until you feel strong in your decision.
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