A New Journey - A Personal Reflection and the Difference A Year Makes

on 11/28/03 10:31 pm - Hamilton, NJ
Good morning all! I wanted to share some reflections on my first year out anniversary. . .bear with me. . . Around 10:00 AM last year I began a new journey. . . November 29, 2002, last year - it seems like a lifetime ago and yet at the same time it seems like yesterday. It was the day after Thanksgiving. I had spent a restless night knowing full well that the next day would either change my life for the better or would leave me at another dead end tunnel. I arrived at St. Peter's early and they attempted to start the IV (it took a few times and then had to be redone in OR). I got settled in on the second floor in my room. My roommate was already down in OR. I knew I was second surgery that day and frankly I was getting a little frightened if I was making the right choice. . .I knew in my heart it was the ONLY choice that was left for me if I wanted to live a little while longer. I had done all the research; I understood my medical conditions very well and had been active in trying to control the disease processes. We had tried EVERYTHING. Knowing all of this I still had to fight for the courage not to run. . .when I went into the OR and was reassured to see my surgeon, Dr. Mehta, standing on the other side of the room going over my chart one last time. Now a year later I sit here and think how many things have changed. I have had a lot of change off and on in my life but none lately that have affected me so profoundly. Now instead of taking 200 units of insulin in five shots a day, I take one shot of 30-35 units. . .I look in the mirror; I still see the old self. . .if I glimpse myself in a store mirror at first I'm not sure who it is. . .When I go into a store, obviously someone made a mistake in arranging the store. . .I certainly can't fit into that little thing!!! In my mind's eye I still see the person from a year ago. Maybe I always will; the mind is very powerful. I still eye up a chair before I sit in it. . .it's not tight anymore!!! I can sit in the car and I have room behind the wheel. I now, sit differently and stand taller and, while I have always had self-confidence I maybe have a little more today. I know how it feels to be laughed at, stared at, pitied, discriminated against, and unfairly judged. I know the anguish and terror of suddenly being and feeling alone. I too have had the anxiety and panic attacks that plague a good number of us suffering from morbid obesity. I know how frightened each person is or has been facing the decision to make one last try. I know how hard it is to have the courage to face another day and another disease and yet another solution" to morbid obesity. I know how it feels to watch time slip away. Don't let it slip away from you anymore. I had doubts too that this would work, but it did! It has been a difficult journey at times; maybe that's an understatement! But I have learned and received so much support from the Support Groups I belong to . . . in our patient to patient group (Begin A New You OSSG) I have received support from each and every person that comes to a meeting or posts online or picks up the phone to call. . .I have made many friends too, some from other states, that know exactly how I feel, they are on this journey too. . .one thing for sure you can never have too much support. So, today, on my first anniversary I would like to thank Dr. Kolaczynski for providing me with the support and education to make my decision; Dr. Mehta for his fine surgical skills in doing this surgery and each one of you for being there, inspiring me and supporting me along the road. Thank you from the depths of my soul and bottom of my heart. Judy, Begin A New You OSSG
on 11/28/03 10:48 pm - Elizabeth, NJ
Judy: Congratulations on your one year anniversary. You have made one of the best decisions you will ever make in making this journey. All of us who have made the decision to go on this journey are true hero's. Continue to have confidence in yourself, stand tall and project that to the world. Jesse
Georgette C.
on 11/30/03 5:53 am - Princeton Junction, NJ
Judy, What a wonderful inspiration to all of us just begining the journey.We are all so lucky to have thoughtful people like yourself to share their stories. For myself it is so reassuring to see that I'm not alone in having pangs of doubt as to if I'm doing the right thing.It's your continued support to all of us that gives us the courage to go ahead on this journey. Thank you for sharing your journey. Congratulations again on your first year anniversary, "YOU'VE COME ALONG WAY BABY"! Continued GOOD HEALTH and SUCCESS...... HUGS, Georgette
on 11/30/03 8:59 am - Robbinsville, nj
Thank you so very much for your wonderful words of wisdom, and for your sharing with us. Reading about your journey is so great and supportive.Congrats on your 1yr Anniversary. Sharon
on 12/2/03 9:18 am - Lynchburg, VA
Judy, congratulations on your many successes, and a very happy rebirthday! (I know I'm a few days late, hope it was a good one).
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