Trying to Get Under 300

on 11/6/03 10:50 pm - Elizabeth, NJ
Hi Everyone: Today I weighed in at 300 pounds. That's a 73 pound loss in seven weeks. I guess it's encouraging not to have a number after the 3 but I look forward the exchanging the 3 for a 2. I haven't loss this much weight on any diet I have ever been on. Unlike all the diets I've been on prior to choosing surgery and a new way of life,I feel great, I'm not hungry and I don't feel like I'm missing anything. Something very interesting happened to me this morning. I made my usual stop at my neighborhood store to pick up my morning paper. There is a group of retired men every day having their coffee. Today they called me over to their table and said that I was really slimming down and that I looked good. I never realized that they even noticed me when I came into the store every day. What a great way to start the day. Onky 27 pounds away from the Century Club. Jesse 373/300/-73
Tara B.
on 11/7/03 4:26 am - Eatontown, NJ
WOW! that is amazing. you hear everyone's stories but i know it has to be so different when it is YOU losing the weight. i can't wait. you are doing so good. keep it up! are you taking pics along the way? i would love to see a before pic and then subsequent pics.
Georgette C.
on 11/8/03 1:18 pm - Princeton Junction, NJ
Jesse, Congratulations!!! your doing a great job. I know you'll have a 2 in front in no time at all. Keep up the good work...... Georgette
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