Lots of questions:Ins approval, NJ Med Boad, etc

on 11/2/03 1:00 am - New Jersey, NJ
Hi all! A few questions, here... First, I am told by many people to check into the legal status (ie malpractice suits pending) of surgeons as I look for one. However, I'm having trouble finding out how. Everytime I find a link on line that I think it taking me somewhere, it only leads to a dead end. Secondly, I'm at the stage where I'm gathering all of my medical info from the many Drs Ive seen...I can't submit all of my info to the ins co until January because I'm changing carriers TO United Healthcare. Everyone there is VERY vague about what they consider would qualify as "medically necessary". I'm 34, 5' 2" and 305 lbs. I've take medication for hypertension, acid reflux, and depression. I've been trying "diet programs" and other methods-including acupuncture-since I was in elementary school. Anyone have enough experience with UHC to know what they consider proof that WLS is medically necessary? I've been told some ins cos require documentation from years back including weigh-ins....Who keeps this stuff on hand?? Thanks for any info you can offer. Sandi
on 11/2/03 1:15 pm - Howell, NJ
Sandi, your weight alone is enough to get you approved, plus the other health issues are other problems that have gotten people approved. The more documentation you have the better. But you should not have any trouble with your health issues. Goid Luck! Joyce
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