
Elizabeth A.
on 10/29/03 12:40 pm - Beachwood, NJ
Once again my surgery is blocked. this makes it 4 times Had my date set for Nov5th. Had a last minute endoscopy and the doctor finds a stomach infection. My surgeon wont operate till its cleared up Now I have to do 14 days of an antibiotic. And get another sugery date! Patience is a virtue. And I do want to be virtous. But Its been over 2 years now that I been waiting for this surgery. Last week I had 6 heavy bloody noses. My blood pressure is now uncontrolable even with meds. Oh well just venting. Best thoughts and prayers for all on this site Liz
on 10/29/03 2:38 pm - Howell, NJ
Dear Liz, Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. My reasoning is that everthing happens for a reason. So hang in there and tell the Lord you need his help and he will get you through this! I know it must be disapointing all the postpoanments. I am just beging this journey and it is already proving to be frustrating so i cna't imagine what your dealing with. i will say a pray it all comes togeather. God Bless. Joycelyn
Georgette C.
on 10/30/03 10:03 am - Princeton Junction, NJ
Liz, I'm so really sorry you had to cancel again.I had to do the 2 weeks also for pylori. I agree God works in strange ways better to wait then get sick after surgery. My Mom always use to say "Good things come to those who wait." I'm sure that will be the case for you. Did They give you a new date yet? I was reading your profile again today wanted to get the name of the lawyer you used to fight Insurance. On my second appeal with CIGNA had to cancel 11/4 surgery date so I feel your pain. Please Stay calm and keep the faith it will work out.Will keep you in my prayers that you get a new date soon. Georgette
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