Oh my god

on 9/29/03 4:01 am - Willingboro, NJ
I was approved for my surgery and they moved the surgery to october 8th, instead of the 13th. Now of course, I am sooooooooooo scared, my life is about to change, but all for the better, but still I am shaking so bad right now and am all teary cause I really thought that United Healthcare was going to deny my claim, I am crying like a baby right now, cause I am soooooooooooooo happy and soooooooooo nervous. Yikes were talking 10 days from now. This time next year I can probably be 1/2 of me on the outside. OMG, I need a group hug everyone. PLEASE KEEP ME IN YOUR PRAYERS THAT EVERYTHING IS OKAY AND I COME OUT OF SURGERY SAFE AND SOUND.
on 9/29/03 1:13 pm - Howell, NJ
Tara, HowI wish I were you!! I am just begining this journey. You let God take you through this and you will be fine. Let me know how you do. I will say a prayer for you. Joycelyn
on 9/29/03 1:25 pm - Elizabeth, NJ
Tara: It's natural to go through the emotions but realize one thing, you will be able to tell others when you get to the other side that it was all worth it. Everything will be fine. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Jesse
on 9/30/03 12:06 am - West Paterson, NJ
Congrads!! It is very scary I totally understand. I am post op almost 7 weeks. I was excited and ready until I was sitting there in the gown waiting for them to come get me. All of a sudden I burst out into tears! Scared to death. My poor boyfriend! He is a Saint! It will be fine, don't be too nervous, the hospitals and nurses and ofcourse the Dr's know what they are doing. You'll do great!!
Barbara G.
on 9/30/03 12:14 pm - Hainesport, NJ
I am new and just at the begining of my journey, I've got a big strike against me. I have emphysema. But, I will tell you I'm leaving it in the good Lords hands, and with all that are out here you have 'll have plenty of prayers. I felt that way when after the psyco evaluation they said I was approved for the surgery, I wanted to run away and hide.
Heather M.
on 10/1/03 11:53 am - Magnolia, NJ
I am sure you will be just fine with this surgery. The tears you have are just the beginning. Congrats and I will keep you in my prayers.
on 10/2/03 5:37 am - Willingboro, NJ
Thank you so much everyone for all your well wishes and kind words. As the days get shorter and the count down begins, I find myself questioning what it is exactly that I am doing. I know it's going to be for the best and I just think that I am in the pity stage now - because I won't be able to eat a frozen oreo cookie, but in the long run and after a while, I am hoping that my tastes will change. I am just a basket case right now and a bundle of nerves - I think all my blood has run dry and my organs have dissappeared and in there place is a body full of butterflies. - Hey I wonder if that has anything to do with being the logo for WLS, Well tomorrow night I am going to a little steak house and ordering a nice steak well done and having a few 's and enjoying what will probably be the last time I will ever be able to eat a 16 oz steak. Looking forward to being on the losing side
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