Weight gain and iron deficiency anemia

rhonda D.
on 8/20/03 11:57 am - sicklerville, nj
Hi guys: I am two years post op and have gone from 235 (+) pounds to my lowest at 165 pounds. I was fairly content with that weight range but relaly wanted to be 150. Then, just as my luck would have it, I am now 182 pounds. I am sooooo depressed. To make matters even worse, I am severely anemic due to the lack of absorption of iron since surgery and have no energy to exercise or even cook properly. I feel that I am a "loser" not in the weight loss way but in my surgical success. I am at the end of the line at this point. I had an iron infusion today and hopefully this will give me some energy to go back to Curves and cook more healthy again. Any input at all would be greatly appreciated. THank you All. [email protected]
Denise W.
on 8/21/03 6:13 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Hi Rhonda, Sorry to hear you're struggling. I'm only 4 and a half months post-op, so I don't have any "pearls" of wisdom to share. The only thing I can suggest is that you remember what you felt like pre-surgery and even though you've gained some back, it's not all of it. Once you get some energy up, you'll be able to lose it again. If you can't cook, try frozen WW dinners, at least they're low cal and you just have to nuke them. Don't beat yourself up too much, we all had ups and downs before and we'll still have them post-op - just take a deep breath, tell yourself you can fix this and then take baby steps in the right direction! Take care, Denise
on 8/22/03 2:12 am - morris county, nj
Rhonda . . . the past is done, behind you . . . tomorrow ahead of you. Once you're feeling better, go back to basics and follow the rules as if you were 3 weeks post op! You're not a failure, you just slipped a little. Much luck, Linda
Judi M.
on 8/27/03 2:34 am
What does your doctor say about the iron deficiency? Why is the happening to you? I have my own personal concerns about iron because I have been anemic in the past but now have it under control. My surgery is October 3rd. I hope that the infusion helps you~please update us when you can. Hugs to u!
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