I'm looking for an experienced doctor.....................................

on 8/8/03 4:18 am - TRENTON, NJ
Hello All: I'm trying to locate a bariatric surgeon that has so much experience that he/she can do this procedure blind-folded. I live in Trenton NJ and sorry to say that there is nothing her in the way of qualified doctors. I'm looking for a doctor with ample experience; preferrably 15 plus years and counting. Bedside manor is of no importance at this time; I just want to know that I'm going to wake up when it's over and all of my organs are still intact, especially the good ones! I want a doctor that's not affraid to say that he/she is confident in what they do and will stand firm to saying that I'm going to be alright. Are there any suggestions out there????
Linda 1.
on 8/9/03 12:16 am - Northern, NJ
My surgeon has 25 years experience in Bariatric surgery, he is in Paramus, and his name is Peter Benotti. I would be happy to share my experiece with you...drop me an email if you want more information. (No one will promise you that you will be alright, but Dr. B. requires extensive pre op testing to assure you are in the best possible condition to undertake the procedure)
Denise W.
on 8/11/03 1:47 am - Maple Shade, NJ
I don't know how long my surgeon, Dr. Christopher Boynton has been doing them, I'm sure it's not been 15 years, but I consider him to be VERY good. When I met with him the first time, it was just to "check him out". I asked him what complications usually occur and he gave me the list, leakage being the number one complication risk. When I asked him how many of HIS patients have ever leaked, he told me none. (I believe he's done over 400 of these surgeries). I also asked him if any of his patients ever died on him and he said, yes one, but went on to explain that he had a very bad history of blod clots, but did not disclose that to the doctor. Had he, Dr. Boynton said he never would have operated on him. He found this out by the guy's wife after the guy died. He is a VERY conscience surgeon. I spoke with one of his OR nurses, who also had the surgery done and she said he's incredibly detailed. She says he never rushes, always takes his time when operating and never closes the patient up until he feels everything looks perfect. He will only do open RNY, because he believes it's too risky to do LAP on people our size. He's a very quiet man, "a man of few words" is what my husband calls him. Both my husband and I had the surgery done by Dr. Boynton, on the same day. We've both come through with flying colors and once I made the decision to do this, never doubted in his abilities. We participate in a support group that almost 3/4's used Dr. Boynton and they all say the same thing about him - that's his excellent. His office is in Mt. Holly and his phone number is 609-267-7050. It will take a couple of months for you to get in to see him, but when contemplating surgery of this magnitude, it's always better to wait for the best, then to rush and get mediocre. good luck in your search! Denise
Ms. Belinda M E.
on 8/12/03 1:39 am - Trenton, NJ
Hi, I live and work in Trenton, NJ. I am also seeking a surgeon. I have a consult date with a Dr. Peters in PA. because I could not find someone here in NJ to do the DS and accept Aetna USHealthcare-HMO. Most of the surgeons offices I called did not want to give me a consult date once they heard I had Aetna. I am willing to go through the appeal process should I be denied. Also, there are a couple of options I have in mind personally should I get denied. You can access information on surgeons right here on this website and find out how long and how many surgeries they have performed and what type. Also, Amer. Bariatric Surgeons Assoc. also has a list of surgeons and information on them. So good luck and let us know how you make out.
Lisa B.
on 8/19/03 12:02 am - North Brunswick, NJ
Hi, my name is Lisa. I live in Middlesex County and am pre-op. I am going to the Bariatric Treatment Center in Langhorne, PA, which is a stone's throw from you. This is the only surgery that they do there, they sepcialize in it. I went for my consult and everyone that I spoke to, except for the surgeon had the surgeries done there, the nurses the assistants, even the receptionist and they were all super nice and super knowledgable. I also know of two people personally who went there and felt that they did a terrific job while being professional and friendly. If you would like to check it out their number is 1-888-664-2253. Hope that helps! Good luck in your journey. Lisa
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