Tomorrow is my apt. w/2nd Surgeon

Judi M.
on 7/7/03 10:43 pm
Tomorrow is my apt. with Dr. Noel Williams at Univ. of PA. Hosp. I had originally met with Dr. Gus Slotman but he gave me no hope to have a lap. procedure done so I'm holding out hope for Dr. Williams. Say a prayer he gives me good news and I'll let you know how it goes!
on 7/9/03 9:06 am
I hope your appointment goes well, Hang in there and always ride the Bull until you win. Hang in there. ~*~Hugs~*~
on 7/10/03 11:30 am - Swedesboro, NJ
Hi Judi, Please e-mail me and let me know how your appt goes with Dr. Williams because I'm in the same prediciment as you. I have an appt with Dr. Slotman on 7/31 and know I'll be disappointed re LAP. How long did it take to get an appt with Dr. Williams and does he have a support group? Thanks & I'll keep you in my prayers that you get the good news you deserve! Wendy [email protected]
Judi M.
on 7/11/03 7:29 am
Sorry i didn't update this~I guess I'm still on a cloud. Dr. Williams and his staff were WONDERFUL and best of all, he didn't even bat an eye about my 3 c-sections. They said I am a great candidate for a lap. RNY! I met with his nutritionist and with another surgeon who will be in on the surgery with Dr. Williams, and then Dr. Williams himself. I'm really impressed with how well they've got it together there and their profesionalism. Next step, I have a nutrition class and psychologist meeting on July 30th and basically I'm waiting for approval. If all goes well, I'm looking at a Sept./Oct. sugery date!!! I would recommend Dr. Williams to anyone, but I know he has a very long waiting list just for the initial consult, I think he's now scheduling for next April! HUP has a monthly support group which meets there the 2nd Sat. of every month along with a Yahoo Support group for all their patients.
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