Huge disappointment

SeaShoreClams H.
on 7/2/03 4:15 am - Jersey City, NJ
I have my psych and nutri. evaluation ready to go and I booked my appointment 2 months ago for July 3rd to see Dr. Abkin. I called Mid June to confirm my appoinment. Everything was okay. I called today, July 2nd and they do not have an appointment for me AT ALL. I was crushed. I begged them to let him I since someone there screwed me over. They could not fit me in until July 31 and I can't take that day off since someone else already requested it. I am livid. I am looked else where and I booked to see Dr. Goodman July 22nd. Hopefully I can get that day off. Dr. Abkin has a very nice staffed, but royally screwed me over. I am very VERY disappointed. Has anyone else has the same expierence?
David F.
on 7/2/03 8:49 am - Sicklerville, NJ
Call Dr. Mehta (732) 745-0999, ask for Lulu. Tell them what you have completed, I'm sure they can fit you in ASAP.
on 7/3/03 1:35 am - Bricktown, NJ
on 7/3/03 1:35 am - Bricktown, NJ
I have my appointment with Dr. Abkin- then end of July- I have been waiting 3 months for the date to come. I did call yesterday (even before I saw your email) and THANKFULLY- they have me down- Today I am up to Morristown to have my Psych Eval- and am as nervous (LOL!) as a virgin at a Rodeo- Best of Luck- I really hear that Abkin is worth the wait- and I would be pissed as Hell and damned If I would go to any Dr if they had supposedly screwed me over- Think of them as mechanics- nothing more, nothing less- If a mechanic screwed you over- you would never set foot in their shop again-The only lesson learned here- and I too have learned some lessons reading these boards- Take no ones word for anything- double, tripple and quadruple verify and check everything- I wish you the best of Luck- JEEZ - maye I should call again just to verify- or call every week-
Merrilee H.
on 7/3/03 9:34 pm - Washington, NJ
Take it as a sign. I had my appointment cancelled twice and I was absolutly livid. I'm self employed and rearranged my schedule not once but twice to be kicked in the teeth. But...... I firmly believe that fate takes over and there's a reason for everything. Have patience, like my father tells me, we were patient enough putting the pounds on, you have to have the patience to take it off. It'll happen for you too. God bless you in your journey.
Jim E.
on 7/7/03 1:09 pm - Newton, NJ
I have had terrible disappointments dealing with the extremely snippy receptionist on the telephone. She told me that the doctor was no longer performing Lap-Band surgery. A few months later I discovered she lied! As a result I have chosen another surgeon. When you call specifically ask for the office manager by name and avoid the receptionist as much as you can. I have to wonder if the doctors know what is going on in the front office.
SeaShoreClams H.
on 7/9/03 6:15 am - Jersey City, NJ
Well there is an update. My bf had an appointment with Good man on the 8th of July. That morning we got a call from our PCP's assistant telling us that we will have to go with Dr. Goodman out of network. Interesting enough when I called to place this appointment they told me that he was in network. NOW my bf and I made an appointment for August 7th to see Dr. Holup. WOW Two moths setback because people can not do their jobs properly. I am about to blow..!
Eileen F.
on 7/29/03 9:57 am - Landing, NJ
My experience was a little worse than yours. First let me say that I did have surgery on May 20. All went well. original date was on May 12. I was told to take my prep the night before surgery and just sit back on the toilet and wait for the hospital to call with the time of surgery. I waited and waited finally at 7:00pm I called the hospital. They said I was not on the surgery list for that day!! I called the doctor's answering service right up and tried to get this straightened out. The doctor called me up but all he could say was that if I wasn't on the list there was nothing he could do. Luckily that day it was discovered that it was not my fault but the fauld of the lady in charge of schedules. She never put me in the official schedule book. So they squeezed me in on May 20. Like I said all is fine now. Wish you well!!
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