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Stacey S.
on 6/24/03 10:16 pm - Fort Lee, NJ
I have been battling with my weight for all of my 37 years. After gaining and losing more weight then I can remember I am at my highest weight ever. I thought it would be a battle that I would lose forever until my best friend, who also had the same weight problem, had surgery with Dr. Capella. I have just set up my seminar date with Dr. Capella for July 1st. I feel that it is the only tool that will help me for the rest of my life. I know there can be complications but I believe it is the best way to go. I would appreciate any feedback from anyone on the surgery. Are you happy you went through with it? was any pain or discomfort worth the results? Thanks to everyone. Stacey
Peggy B.
on 6/26/03 6:57 am - Middletown, NJ
Stacey, I had surgery Jan 13, 2003. I did it for me, because I knew I was not going to have the quality of life I desired. That is to say "normal." I did it for my husband and children too. I wanted to enjoy them and them me and not have them have to care for me. I was 310lbs. and at 57 years old my body couldn't take the stress any longer. I had been this weight and more several times during my adult years, but the body was yelling out this has gotta stop or the end is near. My knees were in constant pain and my back gave up. I could stand about 5 minutes at the most. I was lucky that all else was working fine, but I was in constant pain and didn't sleep. I won't go into all the problems with hygene. Suffice it to say that no matter how well I cared for myself I never felt comfortable. I pride myself on my appearance even at my highest weight. This disease is demoralizing. When I first heard about WLS I wasn't ready for such a drastic step. Wish I had done it then, but I suffered two more years. I stayed home and did my work in stages. I knew I was not going to be able to do this much longer. I was having a hard time doing any food shopping. I just stayed home. Last year I decided that I had had enough and took steps towards my recovery. Oct. I had my first meeting with Dr. Kamelgard, who by the way will be joining Dr. Capella soon. After meeting with him I decided I was going to have this done. I am not a risk taker and this was a gigantic decision. I was frightened of the unknown and how my life would change. I knew of the risks from surgery and that I might not make it, but what was the alternitive? No life .....an invalid! I had gall bladder surgery, so I had open RNY. I had pain, but just used the morphine drip. One day later I was much better. I had expected much worse. My gall bladder surgery was much more painful. The Doctor explained that muscle and nerves are not cut and so the pain is less intense. Now, don't get me wrong there is pain, but managable, at least for me. Everyone's tolerance is different. I came home and was careful. I did exactly what the Doctor asked, cause this is my last and final chance. I am not playing games. My body can't take it any more! I have had my good days and bad with reactions to certain foods. I just stay away from the ones that upset my stomach and eventually try them again. Sometimes they still disagree with me so I will wait longer. My tastes have changed too. I am alomst six months post op and lost 87 lbs. I want to lose at least 95 by my anniversary on the 13th. I feel wonderful. My brain sometimes gets in my way with the food. The operation doesn't cure it! My back is getting better. I have two herniated discs. Just had an MRI. Couldn't or wouldn't before. I have had one injection to help it and am feeling some relief. Going for another soon. My knees are much better. My blood pressure, always normal, is at an all time low. I just started walking again!!!!!! It has taken this long for me to be somewhat free of pain to begin again. I was doing water areobics. I have gone from a 32 dress to 18-20. I sleep all night!!!!!! My husband recently introduced me to our guests at our daughter's engagement party as his new and beautiful wife!!!!! We have a better relationship. I am happy with myself. I can look in the mirror again and like what I am seeing. Now, you tell me do you think I feel the surgery is worth it? I thank God every day for my good fortune. I look forward to my future with my husband and daughters, once bleak, now full of hope. I have tried to answer your questions with my experiences. I hope it has helped. I am not trying to calm all your fears, because it is a big step and it is unrealistic to expect you to have none. Good luck with whatever decision YOU make. Email me if I can be of help. Peggy B
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