I'm a newbie here

Judi M.
on 6/19/03 5:38 am
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to get use to navigating this site. I'm just pretty much starting this journey. I've been to my surgeon and have had my upper GI which is their starting point~so I'm waiting to get ins. approval and a surgery date. I don't expect any problems with insurance since I meet all the criteria. My first question for you pros out there. My surgeon tells me that with my 3 C-sections, I am not a candidate for a lap. procedure~has anyone else been told this? Also, I know this really shouldn't be a factor but I am having ALOT of problems with my family trying to pull me the other way and they have me so confused that I cry just about every day. How did you all get passed this?
David F.
on 6/19/03 5:42 pm - Sicklerville, NJ
Judi: First, welcome to this journey. I'm having laparoscopic RNY surgery on June 25th. Second, I consulted with four surgeons prior to choosing Dr. Mehta. What I found along the way was that older surgeons that have not been specialty trained inlaparoscopic surgery, come up with reasons that one would not be a candidate and they talk about it taking longer to complete. The truth is that they are uncomfortable with laparoscopic surgery in many cases. I have done a lot of research on WLS. There are many resources that clear the air on this issue. My surgeon, Dr. Mehta, was speciaty trained in laparoscopic surgery, he completed a fellowship in laparoscopic bariatric surgery, and his practice is 100% dedicated to bariatric surgery, as a sub-specialty. Dr. Mehta is having a free seminar in Atlantic City on Saturday, June 28th. You may find more information at www.mehtabariatriccenter.com or (732) 745-0999. I have heard Dr. Mehta say that he has been successfull with the laparoscoic approach even with prior abdominal surgeries. I'm sorry that your family is not supportive. In addition to this site, you may want to go to www.lightenupradio.com to listen to webcast radio talk shows where surgeons were interviewed about WLS. Good Luck.
Nannette R.
on 6/22/03 3:35 am
Hi - I too have had 2 C-sections and a hysterectomy and was concerned about lap vs open. I just had my surgery 6/16 and did fine lap -- Dr said there was a possibility that lap may need to be changed to open - but it went fine lap - no problems -- they even took my gall bladder at the same time lap also since I already had gallstones. My surgery team consisted of two drs - one that specialized in bariatric surgery and one that was head of lap surgery at the hospital -- I think that made all the difference! I used Dr McMullen and Dr Coppa in Staten Island.
Christine W.
on 6/22/03 2:01 pm - Sewell, NJ
Judi, I also in Turnersville and am almost 3 yrs post-op. I would love to talk to you. Maybe seeing someone who has had the surgery and done well will help your family to be more supportive. Drop me an email at [email protected]. You may also have them read my webpage about my WLS journey. It also has lots of pictures of the process. Chrissie http://users.snp.net/~shihtzumom
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