Ocean County WLSers

on 6/1/03 8:45 am - Lynchburg, VA
Hi everyone I'm about 7 weeks out and I'd really like to connect with others in a real-life support group, but the groups are held so far away! I was wondering if there would be an interest in starting one in Ocean County... I have an office in Brick that I would be willing to volunteer for informal meetings. If you are interested, please email me at [email protected]. Hope to meet you soon!
on 6/3/03 4:48 am - Bricktown, NJ
Judy, That would be great! I live in Brick myslef and am just starting (eventhough I feel I have been working on this for months) the process. I have a Friend and One relative that have used Dr Abkin Out of Morristown- and I can not get an appointment with him until end of July-- Until then- Its attending meetings and researhing, and more researching- But back to your initial question - It seems that those of us In ocean County are left to travel a great distance for any type of support!!! If you need any help with this please let me know, but as I said I have not yet had the surgery. Chris Gatens
Nannette R.
on 6/4/03 3:21 am
Judy - count me in! I'm in Toms River and am scheduled for surgery RNY Lap on 6/16 -- I would love to attend a support group in Ocean County and Brick would be perfect -- I would even be willing to volunteer my home from time to time or special occasions. I have been to three support groups already, in Staten Island, in New Brunswick and the closest to us in Neptune - I haven't got there yet, but I understand there is one at Monmouth Medical Center the last Thursday of each month. Although I would probably attend the one in Neptune again, the rest are all so far away! Also, I have managed to connect with at least three other people in Ocean County that I think would join us too. I will e-mail you as requested, but wanted to post this to let others know that we do exist here in Ocean County!!!!
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