Looking for a protein shake, vitamin supplementation or protein snacks that other members...

Member Services
on 11/21/14 8:16 am - Irvine, CA

Do you have products that you use and recommend to your friends, family and other OH members?  Are you looking for a protein shake, vitamin supplementation products or protein snacks and not sure what to buy? 

Check out the OH Products Directory and leave reviews of what you think of the products plus assign star ratings so other members can make better decisions on what they purchase. 

If you're going to purchase any products such as protein products, desserts, cereal, vitamin patches and supplements, check the OH Products Directory first to see what other members think on all sorts of products. 

If there are products that you buy that aren't on the directory and you think they should be, let us know.  Please add the manufacturer/company and the name of the product as a reply to this post.  It would also be helpful if you added where you purchase the item, i.e., the name of the retailer or online (with the URL). 

on 1/30/15 12:36 pm - Wyckoff, NJ

I liked the Banana flavor Bariatric Advantage shake (purchased at the hospital) and I used it for the first two months after surgery. Since passing the soft food phase I switched to eating protein foods like egg whites,chicken and salmon for three meals and now I have Atkins shakes because it is convenient to buy at any grocery store as snacks twice a day. I keep my protein intake around 60 to 80 grams per day. I hated the Syntrax Nectar powder...I had to drink during the clear liquid phase...I still have it because it is something I can't see throwing away so every now and then I will mix it with cottage cheese, which takes the curse off it a little but it tastes too artificial and it doesn't blend well, its gross and lumpy.

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