6 year Surgiversary (with Pics) X posting

on 11/14/12 12:06 pm



It's six years since my DS, Part 1. It had taken me over 2 years of sueing BC/BS to get them to agree to cover the surgery, and my surgeon had warned me due to the existing co-morbidities and my weight 430+ it may be a 2 parter. I agreed. I wasn't going to let my sleep apnea, cardiac, respiratory, and mobility issues, as well as some auto immune weirdness hold me back!

I had my Part 1 on 11/14/06, the VSG, and Part 2 in 12/07, the switch. My surgeon believed my goal should be to lose about 230 pounds, and reach 200. I thought that would be a miracle. Well, I surpassed that, and landed somewhere between 165-170. I'm current;y 160, but I think it's due to some craziness lately, and am will to concede a 5 pound bounceback may again occur. I wear a size 12, American sizes. My life is still pretty damn good, with a lot of bonuses thrown in. I always had a career I loved, and a good job, even at my heaviest. I'm still there, but I have the energy to go back to school, and am within a year of finishing my dissertation and getting a doctorate. I have a lot more confidence about public speaking, and do it more often. I found out I am a clothes hoarder, and am amazed when I walk into a store and there are things on a clearance rack that fit me!

I can fit into any airline seat, concert seat, booth at a diner or seat belt. I can walk, slow and steady, far distances. I can use an elliptical for 40 minutes and not feel like a cardiac arrest is eminent. I can tie my own shoelaces, put on socks standing up, and dance like no one is watching. I am off all blood pressure, cardiac, and diabetes medications. I feel I get taken seriously when I go to a doctor with a complaint, not always chalking it up to, If you weighed less.... So many of these things were a challenge, if not impossible, at my original weight.

My love life exists. Like many other women my age, sometimes it's great, and sometimes not....but my choices are greater at this weight than before.

I spend a fortune on vitamins, I still drink protein shakes, I monitor what I eat closely...(low carb, very rare white flour products), my gas is brutal if I'm off probiotics or eat white flour products, so I time it carefully for my 'alone' times. I like fish, I like meat, I have increased my intake of vegetables. I drink a lot of water, and not so much alcohol. I get drunk quickly, and I don't (usually) like that feeling. I'm grateful every day for MY DS, and the changes it has helped me make.

BUT...there's always a BUT.... i love someone who has a DS, and has nothing but trouble. She is scrupulous on supplements, vitamins, following best practices for DS'ers, and has had adhesions, tortions, loopsobstructions and malabsorptions. She developed numerous food allergies, possible Crones Disease, autoimmune responses, etc. She goes for iron infusions, B vitamin shots, etc. She has followed every guideline to the letter, and nothing has worked for her.

I included this because I don't want some newbie to read my happy 6 year post, and think...there aren't risks and possibilities outside my control for things to go wrong. When a DS works, it can be a life affirming change for the person...but it can also go wrong. and at no fault of the person involved. Buyer beware.

To my OH friends, thanks for 6 years of support, friendship, recipes, dinners out together and information. I hope I have been able to pay it forward! Thanks, Mary

DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog: lifeisgood-mc.blogspot.com

on 11/24/12 8:08 am - Tinton Falls, NJ

Congratulations Mary! It s amazing how well you are doing, physically and mentally. But I am most impressed with your last statement about your friend who is not doing as well. You are totally right. Something's that work for some does not work for others. But it was nice to recognize that it is nothing that that particular person is doing something wrong.  I had a RNY in 2007 and it went horrible from day one. I followed all the rules, NEVER cheated!! But yet when I would ask the surgeon what's going on, immediately it would be my fault. I was doing something to cause it. Everyone that is looking into WLS should read your profile and see how much life you have gained by changing your lifestyle and choosing a wonderful journey. I could not be more happy for you and I hope that you will continue to inspire people. Because it is not easy and it is a lifetime commitment and YOU GO GIRL!!!

on 11/24/12 10:16 am


DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog: lifeisgood-mc.blogspot.com

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