Author at Support Group meeting!!!
The author of "the weight loss surgery coping compainion", Dr. Tanie Kabala will be speaking and signing books at the Kennedy Bariatric Support Group meeting on September 24 at 7pm.
Please register, but if you don't you are more than welcome to come anyway! Open to any that have had Weight Loss Surgery...
Location Kennedy Center at Voorhees
1099 White Horse Road
1st floor conference room
Voorhees, NJ 08043
United States m%2Fevent%2Finfo&reset=1&id=871
Please register, but if you don't you are more than welcome to come anyway! Open to any that have had Weight Loss Surgery...
Location Kennedy Center at Voorhees
1099 White Horse Road
1st floor conference room
Voorhees, NJ 08043
United States m%2Fevent%2Finfo&reset=1&id=871
14 pounds lost before surgery. My first ticker is when I hit onderland: this was my goal when I started on this journey. I want to focus on that right now...once I get there I can reevaluate.
My second ticker is my dream goal. Even if I only visit there for a short time, it would be nice to see that number just once. I am pretty sure I'll need plastics to hit this goal.