I made an appointment

on 3/12/11 3:06 am
I am new here. I have been looking through the posts for the past two days. I went to an information night on Wednesday and made an appointment for March 21. They said I could get the band before July 1st. I asked because my insurance changes on July 1. I am excited but at the same time still unsure. I was wondering if you could share with me your experience, advice,  and weight loss.
Tom C.
on 3/12/11 4:58 am, edited 3/12/11 4:58 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
In the summer of 2007, after years of failed diets and ever-increasing weight, my family Doctor said that I really should think about doing something surgically. She stated I was young and healthy enough to do it NOW, but who knows what the next year, or two, may bring. She also stated if I didn’t do something, there was no guarantee I would be around for the next 3 years. That’s when I decided to seriously consider weight loss surgery.  

For about 4 years prior, I casually looked into Weight Loss Surgery. I was under the common misconception doing this would be the “easy way out" (boy was I wrong). I also felt that choosing Weight Loss Surgery would be a last resort. With the possibility of DEATH being a reality, it finally WAS.  

After vigorously on-line researching, and attending various seminars and speaking to people who had different operations, I met with Doctor Alexander Abkin to discuss my choice and goals. I told him that I wanted a band operation, and my ultimate weight goal would be 220 pounds. Doctor Abkin told me, while it is possible to obtain my goal, I would need to understand that doing it with the band would require a lot of work and determination. In order to be successful I would need to diligent; follow the guidelines set up by the Doctors and Nutritionists, and DO what was expected FROM ME. The band would help, but it would be up to me to watch what I ate. I needed to be accountable for what I put in my mouth. I also had to be committed to do exercises. At the end of the day, it’s still calories in/calories out.  

So just over 3 years ago, a 435-pound man was wheeled into an operating room to have his life altering procedure. In the extremely capable hands of Doctor Alexander Abkin, the Realize band operation took approximately 45 minutes. Who would have known the old Tom Casola would have died on the table, and a new Tom Casola would be born.  

In the beginning, my weight loss was called remarkable. On my two week review I lost 17 pounds. On my one-month review, I lost an additional 30 pounds, for a total of 47 pounds. On my three-month review, I lost an additional 28 pounds. On May 21, I lost another 5+ pound. On the July 11 weigh-in, I lost a total of 100 pounds. On February 28 (2009 – one year – one month), I lost a total of 150 pounds.  On November 13 (2009) I was 250 pounds, which made my total weight lost is 185 pounds. On January 29, 2010 (my 2 year BAND-iversary) I was down another 5 pounds for a grand total of 190 pounds. I was 245 pounds, and I was elated.  

For the entire 2010 year, I fluctuated between 245 and 250 pounds, and could never get below the 245-pound mark. While I was happy that I was no longer 435 pounds, I was somewhat sadden that I couldn’t lose any more weight, nor was I closer to my ultimate 220 goal. Then between Thanksgiving and New Year I gained weight. I am unsure how much, but my “once baggy" pants were now “tight" and I had slight difficulty buttoning them. I did a personal review how I behaved during the past year, and did a personal inventory what I was doing in regards to eating and exercising. That is when I realized I needed to stop what I was doing; become refocused and accountable, and go back to the BASICS. I needed to do what made me successful. Therefore, on January 3rd 2011, I made a vow to not only go back to the Basics, but to do everything I could to make 2011 the year I get to, at least, 232 pounds. The reason I chose 232 as a new immediate goal is because my BMI moves from OBESE to OVERWEIGHT!! Most people would find it strange anyone would want to be labeled OVERWEIGHT, but when you’re first label was SUPER-MORBIDLY OBESE – Overweight is a great label to achieve.   

I pretended I just had the operation and did the “liquid" phase for two weeks. Then I moved onto the “soft food" stage for two weeks. On Jan 28, 2011 (one day prior to my 3 year Bandiversary) I was down to 240 3/4 pounds. I was beside myself. Not only did I lose any weight I gained, but I was below the 245 barrier, and I was almost at the 230’s doorstep. I was even more determined that I would be 232 by the end of 2011. On Thursday February 3rd, I weighed myself again (I usually weigh myself once a month, but did it since I thought the 240 reading had to be wrong) and the scale read 238 on the button. I was walking on air!! I was officially in the 230’s. I was 3 pounds away from losing 200 pounds, and 6 pounds shy of my current immediate 232 goal. In addition, now the 220 ultimate goal doesn’t seem so far out of reach. On February 15th, I was 234 1/2 pounds. I have lost just over 200 pound in about 3 years. And only 2 more pounds until I am overweight!! On February 28 I was 228. Not only was I officially OVERWEIGHT, but I was 8 pounds away from my ultimate goal.  

I realized is that when it comes to WLS, people talk about the LOSS but no one about the GAINS. You gain confidence in yourself; You gain self worth; You gain relationships again (old and new); You gain a wonderful group of friend from the boards and support groups; You gain a wonderful outlook on your life and the future, You gain your health back.
I hope this answered some of your questions. Please let me know if you have others.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 3/12/11 5:35 am
Thank you for your response! In my attempt to be informed I have come across so many stories of no weight loss or problems. It made me really worry. I am 33.  I weigh 307 and am 5' 1. I have 3 children and worry about dying from WLS. It  seem that this isn't any more dangerous then having my gallbladder removed but I still worry. When I stop over thinking, I know this is what I want to do. My husband is supportive but my best friend isn't. I have decided to not even tell her that I am going through with it because she just doesn't understand. I have gained 27 pounds since April. All that I lost from Jan-April last year. I have a friend going through this with me. We plan to have the surgery the same day. My BMI is 56 is that too high for surgery. One day I wish I could do it tomorrow the next I worry.
on 3/13/11 11:52 am - Newton, NJ
Congrats on your appt.

I understand where you are at, when I had my RNY I was 309 the day of surgery and I am 5'6. For me it has been one of the best things I have ever done, I have a daughter who is almost 6 now and when I had surgery she was 3. 

I am a total of 27 months out and I am down to 140 lbs, from my highest weight of about 330. I was scared of not being a healthy example for my daughter so I am very happy I had surgery when she was so little so she does not really remember the fat me, BTW my BMI was about the same as yours at my highest..  I will say you have to be prepared to have people not be supportive of you, if you have people who are not supportive you have to be careful not to let them sabotage your progress and at some point you will have to tell your BFF if she is going to stay your BFF.. I know that sounds rough to say but I have some of my friends who our relationship has changed, I think some of that is due to that going out to dinner and food is no longer a sport or no longer entertainment. 

Good luck to you and your family !


on 3/21/11 3:30 am - NJ
Tom, that's truly inspirational.  I'm not afraid to share with you that this gave me goosebumps.  Thanks for sharing!!!
on 3/12/11 11:24 am - Toms River, NJ
I see you are seeing Dr Reich he is very good he will never take you in the wrong direction. Ask questions They are a great group down there Ginger who is the nut s very helpful. hat is where I go and have for the most part be.Iing successful with my weight loss. The last few months hace being hard because of other medical conditions which has nothing to do with my wls except without the wls My medical problems would of beibg worst and I would of put on lot more weight
If you have any questions about SOCH and the program down there I will try to answer them the best I can. Tey do make you feel very comfortable dowen there.
on 3/13/11 11:22 am
Thank you. I really did like them at the info night.
on 3/14/11 1:53 am - Toms River, NJ
What time is your appointment on the 21th  have an appointment on that day for a fill at 2:45 I would really like to meet you if  your appointment is around the same time Talk to you soon
walter A.
on 3/14/11 2:20 pm - lafayette, NJ
i would suggest that you check out the vsg, and the DS, instead of haveing a foreign body inserted in you.  for the DS you will have to go to a major hospital in NYC, check out DSFACTS.com.
I had surgery veterans day, im 12lbs from goal, no more diabetes, no diet,, eat what ever, .
on 3/15/11 10:49 am - Toms River, NJ
I havehad the band since July8,2009 and have had noproblems with the band am off all medication for diabetes cholestro; high blood pressure. It has being the greatest thing I could have done for myself
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