Meatball Throwdown

on 1/24/11 11:14 pm
Thanks to eveyone that came out last Wednsday night to participate in the My Program For Life bariatric friendly meatball throwdown!!  The competition was fierce!!  The PFL chef, Ray took on the executive chef from St. Claire's healthcare system, Scott.  After samples of each chef's meatballs were sampled by the crowd of over eighty people, the score was deadlocked!!!  The late arrival by Dr. Vincent Iannace provided a fair and impartial judge to break the tie.  After tasting each meatball, Dr. Iannace declared Scott the winner!!!!!
A fun time was had by all.  Can't wait for the next THROWDOWN!!!!
on 1/25/11 12:06 pm - Newton, NJ
thanks for the blow by blow, I was going to go but since I ended up having to have surgery last Monday night and could not really walk upright I could not go.

I love all the events that the MYFL people have been doing lately.

Thanks again !
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