BACK TO THE BASICS - Results .. so far ...

Tom C.
on 1/18/11 2:02 am, edited 1/18/11 4:52 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

As I have posted earlier, this past Holiday season was not so good for me (AGAIN). I did not remain focused, and as a consequence I gained weight. How much, I am not sure because I did not weigh myself. I was embarrassed, and guilty, and afraid to see the number. All I knew is my “goal pants" (which are pants that are one size smaller then I normally wear – and could get into) I couldn’t even come close to buckling them. You think after almost 3 years I would have learned, buuutttt nooooooooooo (sorry John Belushi)!!!


Did I wallow in my pity? Did I throw in the towel? Did I feel like I was a failure? The answers are No! No! and a big NO! I took my own advice, and went BACK TO THE BASICS. I pretended I just had the operation, and needed to do all the stages over.


For the last 2 (going on 3) weeks I have been on the STAGE 1 – LIQUID phase. I am detoxing my body of the sugars and bad carbs. And it has worked. I no longer have the cravings I did during the holidays.


Plus I am making sure I am doing all the other "rules to be succesful". I am hitting my 60 to 80 grams of protein; having the 64 ounces of NON-CARBONATE/DECAFFEINATED liquid;. not drinking 30 minutes before/after or during my meal. 


This past Friday I decided to get on the scale to see how much damage was done, and to my surprised I was 252, instead of my normal 250. Today I tried on my “goal pants" and I was able to latch them and zipper them. They are still a tad tight, so I am staying on the liquids for another week (or two). Just to make sure I am below 250, and help me get to this year’s goal (to be 232 by next January).


Nowhere in the literature did it say this was going to be an easy road, and (for me) it’s not. Every day I need to stay focused, and make good choices. I also need to realize this isn’t a diet plan; it’s a way of life. So during this journey: slips, stumbles and falls will occur. What I do when this happens is truly important. I needed to get myself up, dust myself off, and then continue down the road to success. I am realizing I am stronger than any craving or any food.


I sat myself down and asked myself “Where did I come from" .. then asked myself “Why did I do this operation" – basically the answer is because it’s a last resort. So why am I sabotaging myself?


For anyone in a similar boat remember: It took strength to admit we have a problem we can’t control. It took strength to decide to have an operation. It took strength to do what was needed before and after the operation. It took strength to say “I need help" .. So we have the strength, now we need to call on it.



Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Alice P.
on 1/18/11 4:38 am
Good job getting back on track!!!!! It's a good reminder for all of us that this is a forever journey that we need to take day by day!
on 1/19/11 6:14 am - Newton, NJ
Hello Tom,

I am glad getting back on track is working for you, I know you work very hard and I wish you so much success.

I was hoping to see you soon since I figured you would be at the meatball throw-down tonight but I am not going to be able to make it since I had to go back to the OR on Monday with a blood clot from my LBL.. so I am stuck at home with drains and pain meds.. I hope to see you soon.


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