CONFESSION: I haven't been 100%, so I am taking my own advice.

Tom C.
on 1/3/11 7:08 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Since the Holidays I haven’t been 100% with my eating. I haven’t been focused, and made bad decisions. However, I know I am not alone, and I remind myself that many naturally thin people haven’t been 100% either. So I went back into my past post replies and I given myself the toughest love I can give myself … Yesterday is over and done with. There is nothing we can do about it. Tomorrow is NOW, and it’s time to get back on track.


So if you were like me, and need that extra kick in the (___0___) .. read on ..


First – I need to remember this isn’t a diet plan; it’s a way of life. So slips, stumbles and falls will occur. What we do when this happens is truly important. We need to get ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and continue down the road to success.


I stopped and ask myself “Where did I come from" .. then asked “Why did I do this operation" – basically the answer is because is was last resort.


I need to realize I am stronger than any craving or any food. It took strength to admit I have a problem I couldn’t control. It took strength to decide to have an operation. It took strength to do what was needed before and after the operation. It took strength to say “I need help" .. So we have the strength, now we need to call on it.


Today I needed to GET BACK TO THE BASICS !! I pretend today was day one of the operation and I went back to a strict liquid diet. I will do this for a few days (actually planning on two weeks), then go onto the next stage of soft food (for two weeks) then finally regular food. What I am really doing it is detoxing my body of the sugars and bad carbs. If I find myself hungry – I will eat .. but SENSIBLE foods. I will make sure to follow all the rules.


I have gone back and follow the rules that made me successful. I am drinking the 64 ounces of NON-CARBONATE/DECAFFEINATED liquid. I am having the 60 to 80 grams of protein. I am making sure I don’t drink 30 minutes before/after or during your meal. 


What I remembered is they put the band around my stomach, and not around my brain. I will need to use some self control when it comes to food. When I feel hungry I need to stop and ask if this real hunger or head hunger. Asking that alone will probably be an indication it’s head hunger. Then I will know what to do. Get busy doing something else. If that doesn’t work, EAT – but SOMETHING HEALTHY. Have some salad; vegetables, PROTEIN, etc.


REMEMBER what it took to make us successful. WE CAN DO IT !!


Now – I am off my (_____o_______) – I have stopped making excuses – and I am (sorry Nike) JUST DOING IT !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 1/3/11 8:38 am - NJ
Oh Tom I love it.  I can feel you conferdence coming through the computer.  I know that it is hard and as I said in a meeting we were both at sometime I win and sometimes the bear wins.  But when the bear win it takes a certain kind of person to stand up to it and say ok you had your fun now back in you cage.  I believe in you....I know you will be right back on track.  I am cheering you on.  NOW BEAR BACK IN THE CAGE!!!!

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Where you will find helpful strategies to achieve you goals

Highest 325.7lbs Surgery 295lbs Current 244lbs 


on 1/4/11 2:58 am - Bayonne, NJ
I know I slipped many time in the last six weeks. Had lots of company so there was alot of food I should not eat and did because it was there. On sunday I cleaned all that stuff out of my house and went to store and got the good stuff back into my house. Went to the doctor yesterday and gained 1 lb. Well guess what, that was 1 lb to much.
I will be working with my trainer this year and my goal is to loss 30 lbs this year.
Alice P.
on 1/4/11 5:45 am
Very well said, I have already gotten back on track.  Even with my off eating the last 2 weeks I did still loose 1 lb but I realized that when I don't exercise and don't eat healthy I don't feel as good and feeling good and healthy is now important to me!!!!!
 HW 278 SW 259 GW 170 CW 142 Ht 5ft 6


on 1/5/11 7:08 am - Newton, NJ

I know you can do it, you are the best bander I know.. 

Good luck, we are all behind you!


on 1/12/11 12:14 pm - Hackettstown, NJ
Great Post Tom! You can do it...and I know you will!
Back to basics is So Right... remember the tool is in there and you can turn it back on and make it work by following those 3 simple rules!

Good Luck... we are here for you cheering you on.

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