I am so excited to have my surgical date!!!!!!!!!!

on 12/8/10 7:55 am - NJ
I am soooo excited to finally have my surgical date!!  February 12th!!  My question is what happens between now and then?  What do I have to look forward to?  What were your experiences and feelings when you got the BIG DAY?  I am so thrilled.  I am so secure in my choice is doctor and have complete faith....Your thoughts and experiences are REALLY appreciated!!
Thank you,
Tom C.
on 12/9/10 10:08 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ



You’ll be on what I love to call the Weight Loss Roller-coaster. Some days will be great – because you’ll be looking forward to it. Others no so great – because you’ll be doubting yourself about success and/or something with Doctor’s wanting more tests or Insurance asking for something will get to you. Always remember, in the end IT ALL WORKS OUT!!


Know we’re are hear for you!! CONGRATS on the date. And what a WONDERFUL HOLIDAY PRESENT you’ve gotten.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 12/15/10 11:25 am - NJ
I am so suprised how easy it was to get an actual date.  My surgeon says I have real good insurance so he said he forsees no problems in getting insurance carrier approval.  I am quite firmilliar with the roller coaster.  I dont tell everyone because I hear, " you are getting that done" when it comes to the RNY.  Some times when you hear things like that you start to second guess your choice.  I know what works for me and that is why I chose the RNY.  I am so happy about my wonderful holiday present.  I look forward to the dealth by chocolate my Aunt makes for Christmas dessert.  I think I will enjoy it more now than ever before.  I thank you all for all of your advice and input.  It truly helps!!
Barbi M.
on 12/10/10 4:59 am - Maplewood, NJ
Congrats!! I am 14 months out and still remember the excitment and anxiety of getting that date approval.  Just stay positive, and you will be on your way. 
on 12/11/10 5:55 am - Randolph, NJ
Congratulations on clearing a major hurdle.

Your surgery will be performed three days before my own three-year "surgiversary." I can say without hesitating that it was the best thing I have ever done.

As Tom said, it will be a roller-coaster. Your feelings will swing from anxiety to fear to excitement to impatience and back many times over. If you choose to share with other people, you will hear many stories (most of them bad) and get lots of opinions. I'm glad you're comfortable and confident about your decision; because its easy to start second guessing yourself. I've come to learn to say: "Thank you for your concern. I'm working really hard to make sure I am successful and healthy." Then change the subject or walk away.

My advice is to start your journey now. Read and research, start to make healthful decisions in your diet, understand about vitamin supplementation, make a few wls buddies to lean on along the way. Get a little physical activity, buy some books, keep a journal or blog.

Two things to avoid: Don't "wait" until the surgery to start making positive changes in your life. And don't fall victim to "last meal" syndrome. Every pound you gain before surgery will take you one step further away from your goal. It also sets you up for thinking that you will be deprived of enjoying food post-op, which is far from true.

Good luck, and come back often for support. We've BTDT (been there, done that!)

on 12/15/10 11:19 am - NJ
You come up with some of the best advice.  I just cant believe it is only 2 months away!!  It sometimes gives me butterflies just thinking about it.  I thought the day would never get here.  I pray everyday that I come out of this better than how I am now.  I look forward to the journey though!!  Thanks again!!
on 12/11/10 9:31 am - Woodbridge, NJ
Congrats, I am 4 days away from being 3 months out and i can say this was the best decision of my  life, Before Surgery i was on 2 different insulins and up to 5 shots a day between the 2 of them, My blood sugar was still out of control even wiht 5 shots a day.

Fast forwrd 3 months later i have lost 70 lbs so far and the last shot of insulin i took was the night before my surgery, since my surgery i have not had to take any shots or pills and my blood sugar is between 75 and 100 everyday.

The only thing i can say was the 3 week liquid diet before the surgery was hard

but again it was the best thing i ever did

on 12/15/10 11:12 am - NJ
I am excited!  I am so thankfull for all of the support I get on this website!  Does everyone go on a liquid diet 3 to 4 weeks before their surgery?  I never knew that. I am an otherwise healthly woman so I am hoping to come out of this ok.  I am looking forward to being on the "loosers" bench!!  My emotions vary as to doubt and second guessing myself according to what kind of day I am having or to what comments I hear.  I get a lot of "come back" answers from this site and that is wonderful!!  I thank you all!!!!!!!!!!
on 12/15/10 3:54 pm - Randolph, NJ
The liquid diet requirement is determined by your surgeon. Mine didn't require it.

on 12/17/10 3:40 am - Hightstown, NJ
Holly, congrats and your on your way.  I'm 3 1/2 months out and love my band, I don't remember which procedure your having but you'll do great. 

Yes a lot of emotions between now and then and even the morning of I was scared to death but I feel great and love my new tool.

I only had to do the liquids for 2 days but every procedure is different and I think other things come into play.

Were you at the Holiday party last night at RWJ? 

Any questions we're here for you.
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